The Equus, an Ascend Hotel Collection Member i Honolulu

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Forenede StaterThe Equus, an Ascend Hotel Collection Member



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1696, Ala Moana Boulevard, 96815, Honolulu, Honolulu County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 808-949-0061
internet side:
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Latitude: 21.2865315, Longitude: -157.8392283

kommentar 5

  • Purethunder 6

    Purethunder 6


    The location and price is great and all but they should have told me I would be charged a resort fee every night I stay. Also parking was a real pain. Infact somehow in the tiny parking lot my front bumper got screwed they say they didn't do it but I didnt notice me hitting anything before that.

  • Thomas Mann

    Thomas Mann


    I am from the big island of Hawaii and this is my favorite place and only place it I'll stay when I come to Oahu this is owned by a family and I can tell you that they treat you like one it's in a beautiful location and its has the best ocean breezes ever this is a dream come true you should stay here when you come to Honolulu

  • Kamailelani Napoleon

    Kamailelani Napoleon


    Most amazing experience! Renee was absolutely charming and welcoming, everyone treats you like royalty! The owners have done an amazing job 💞 The rooms were magical and the whole atmosphere is perfect for a visit to the beautiful hawaiian islands.

  • Fernando Islas

    Fernando Islas


    this was a little hidden gem of a hotel. it was a steal for the price, comfort and great attitude from the staff here. it's a about a five to ten minute walk to the beach from the front office and that was very convenient for us. we had left one morning very early, we came back around 3pm and our room wasn't clean. we made a quick call downstairs because we were about to leave again. the staff made it up to our room in no less than five minutes and were glad to clean up our room they must've accidentally skipped. if i were to return to this island, i would check this hotel for availability, i was very pleased.

  • en

    Rong Zheng


    The hotel rooms are very narrow, and dark. Plus there is hair on the bed before we use it. The entrance of parking is really hard to find. I missed it twice before I finally pulled in. I am trying to make reasonable and realistic comparisons with other hotels at the same price level. This one is not an enjoyable experience. The pics shared online is tricky. The real one is not as fancy as the pics.

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