The Crafthouse Stage & Grill in Pittsburgh

Vereinigte StaatenThe Crafthouse Stage & Grill



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5024, Curry Road, 15236, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 412-653-2695
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.350054, Longitude: -79.996544

kommentare 5

  • Robert Paul

    Robert Paul


    Other than going to see Johnny Cash tribute band the actual facility was awful. Impossible to get seating or any kind of drink. The people there were so annoyed by this you can tell there was stress in the staff as well as the customers.

  • en

    Zachary Ziegler


    I can't say enough good things about this place. The bar is enormous and always has a huge selection of beer. There are live bands weekly, and the atmosphere is great. Awesome place, and a must visit if you haven't already!

  • en

    Jim McWilliams


    Went to see the group Sponge play. Got there and absolutely no place to park. Instead of trying to fit in illegally some spot, I parked in the lot across the way, like many other people did. After the showl walked down to find out my car and any others that were there were towed away. Had to call tow service to wait an hour to pay $250 to bring my car back. Never doing this again. Not a bad place for a show but if you can't handle fitting people to come see them, then maybe you shouldn't have them. NEVER AGAIN! I don't think that people should be forced to put the vehicles in the hands of strangers just because they do not have ample parking to freely do it themselves. It's a nice thought if your comfortable handing your keys to a total stranger but I particularly as well as many others like to handle there own vehicles instead of having someone randomly park it in who knows where. For that fact, I myself will never go to another show in your facility and I'm pretty sure 12 others that this happened to last night (maybe more) feel the same. At least they did last night.

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    Ginny Opferman


    I ordered the chicken salad at 15.95, which I thought was high, but me and my friend decided to order it anyway. It came minus cucumber, egg, and soggy old tomatoes. Although the salad was awful, management was more then compensating. They removed the total cost of the salad, and bought us each a drink. I thought that was incredible. Had a wonderful time, bartender was wonderful. Had a great time.

  • en

    Darrin Shaffer


    Great place!!! I very much enjoyed bringing in the New Year at the Crafthouse. The staff was friendly, the beer selection was excellent and the band was awesome! Plenty of space as well. I will definitely go back and try the food on my next visit. 2 thumbs up! 😎

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