The Church of the Village w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Church of the Village



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201, West 13th Street, 10011, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-243-5470
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.738137, Longitude: -74.000311

komentarze 5

  • James Koenig

    James Koenig


    Free food pantry on Tuesday at 11am and soup a kitchen (free cooked food, don't need to be homeless) on Saturday at noon. The food is excellent and the people are very friendly.

  • en

    Giovanni Oliveira


    DO NOT BELIEVE ONLY WHAT IS WRITTEN BUT LOOK FOR THE TRUTH I would like to share with all brothers in Christ the knowledge that Jesus taught us about reincarnation in Matthew Chapter 17 Verses 10 11 12 and 13 where he explains to the disciples that John the Baptist is indeed Elijah reincarnated and therefore had not been recognized but they did everything they wanted, was experiencing another experience in the physical body and history tells us that John the Baptist was arrested and killed even had his head delivered on a tray. We live more lives until we can reach the enlightenment of our souls. Reincarnation is part of life as well as birth and death. Light wisdom peace and I would also like to leave an explanatory video to repeat the subject about who we are and what we are part of.

  • Jennifer Lopez

    Jennifer Lopez


    When you walk into Church of the Village you are greeted by some of the most wonderful and grateful church member volunteers. For me it never felt like I was a number. From day one when Pastor Vicki greeted me by the door, I always felt as if I were a part of the church. This was around 5 years ago. The atmosphere and personal inclusion to make you a part of the church family is still strong at this church.

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    Caroline McTish


    Points for diversity, but this church service is more of a political movement than Christian worship. There were about a dozen people total in the service we went to, they give you the mic for an introduction if you're new, and the service went well over an hour. I felt extremely uncomfortable the whole time and left early due to the amount of political discussion and judgment.

  • en

    Nancy Duncan


    Loved the open inclusive friendly welcome of this place. Completely Beautiful Christmas Pageant. Also an amazing mural in the entry and a great Helping Neighbours in Need food & support program. Here's a church walking the walk not just talking the talk. Will be back on my next visit to NY. 🤗X

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