The Chesapeake Life Insurance Company en North Richland Hills

Estados UnidosThe Chesapeake Life Insurance Company



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9151, Boulevard 26, 76180, North Richland Hills, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 800-815-8535
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8569278, Longitude: -97.1889784

comentarios 5

  • Alexis Campbell

    Alexis Campbell


    It's too bad that I am unable to give this company a 0 star review. The experience we have had with this company during a time of loss has been horrendous. The customer service is the absolute worst. Working as a supervisor in a call center myself, if any of my Representatives treated anyone this way would be dealt with. For 2 months we have been waiting for pay out. We have been told by several people that the policy was closed. We have also been told that it was already paid out and refused to give us any information as to who they paid it out to. We have done everything they have asked of us and more. I am reporting them to the better business bureau and I am even considering taking legal action. Please stay away from this company. Let our experience be a warning to you. Don't let them take advantage of you during difficult times.

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    Leron Reynolds


    I've waited weeks for a response to several 'message left' phone calls. The comments about this company posted on their FaceBook page appear to reflect their business philosophy -take the money and run.

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    Joyce Ritchison


    ONE of the worst companies for paying out their death benefits. Must be on the skids to be so tight with the money. Was put on hold for an hour. Going to have to get my attorney involved. DON'T BUY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!

  • Scott



    While I have never filed a claim on my 3 policies I have called several times and have always gotten excellent customer service from the agents. They were always courteous and polite!

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    Carter Clond


    I own a company that employs 20 individuals. Life insurance was paid for by the company as a benefit to the employees. We switched companies after getting a MUCH better rate. I called to cancel our coverage through Chesapeake Life Insurance Company. I was informed as the owner of the company I couldn't cancel my coverage for the employees, each individual person had to do it. I asked to speak to a supervisor and explained and he said "no problem, I'll get everything taken care of.". Approximately two weeks later all my employees received individual bills. I called in to ask why this wasn't cancelled like it was discussed with my conversation with the supervisor. They said "It was up to their discretion to send individual bills to the employees". This makes me look very poor as an employer when everyone at the company expects their life insurance to be paid for by me and then they receive a bill in the mail. Its upsetting that I had a conversation with a supervisor (not just an entry level position), and communicated with him for a long time about how we wanted the cancellation to go and how they are already covered by another company now. He assured me it was taken care of, then tried to bill my employees individually. Very shady business if you ask me. Wonder how they would've handled the situation if somebody accidentally paid them. Many of the employees were upset and I had to explain to them they are covered through another company now and that they shouldn't pay the bill. Customer service was not helpful and my overall experience with the company has been horrendous.

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