The Cheesecake Factory w Alpharetta

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Cheesecake Factory



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2075, North Point Circle, 30022, Alpharetta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 770-751-7011
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0468025, Longitude: -84.2936665

komentarze 5

  • Jada Griggs

    Jada Griggs


    My family and I (party of 5) were immediately seated when we checked in. Our server took our drink orders a few minutes after we were seated. This location did not have the fried macaroni and cheese balls available so I did not order an appetizer. My mother in law loved the Korean fried cauliflower. For my first entree, I ordered from the chicken Marsala from the specialties section. I did not love the dish. In my opinion, the sauce was very oily in consistency. A manager relayed to me that this is how it comes and that they could toss in another sauce. However, the chicken lacked flavor as well. I’ll just say it wasn’t my cup of tea. In place of that, I decided to get a medium rare ribeye with mashed potatoes and broccoli. The steak was amazingly tender! The mashed potatoes were the best I’ve had in a while. I did not like how the broccoli was plated. I wish it could’ve just been the broccoli florets. Other than that, I had a great experience and amazing hospitality.

  • Kat Jones

    Kat Jones


    I must say, The Cheesecake Factory is one of the local places I love to visit for Birthdays or just for, a good consistent meal. The prices are very reasonable, the service is pretty decent, and the menu items are consistently, cooked well. The drinks are normally good and the cheesecakes are yummy and fresh😊. The restaurant has both, indoor and outdoor seating-which is a bonus. The restrooms are very tidy and the exterior as well as the interior of the restaurant is aesthetically pleasing. I also love the way, they are able to tailor menu items to your preference. Great place to visit with family and friends❣

  • Stephanie Aleman

    Stephanie Aleman


    The food was good, the hamburger needed a little more salt. Our waitress got lost, she only came to the table twice and after waiting so long we called another waitress to see if she could bring us more drinks. and we had to give him the description of our waitress. and until I finally arrived. That is something that should be better. But when it comes to food, everything was delicious. and I loved the cheesecake.

  • Grace Leonard

    Grace Leonard


    Usually, My mom and I love coming here. But tonight’s experience made us not want to come back anymore. When we arrived, there was a lot of visible trash outside of the restaurant, right in front of the entrance area. We were sat immediately, however we then waited 10-15 minutes for our server to greet us. Once she arrived, she was great and very helpful. We ordered right away and after that it took about 30-45 minutes for our two meals to arrive. My mom ordered the chicken lettuce wraps which were fine, but I ordered the fried Mac and cheese ball appetizer and it was not good. It came out completely burnt in multiple spots. On the bottom of 3/4 balls it was completely charred. Multiple other spots were charred and I could barely attempt to try it. We told them we didn’t want it remade (my appetite had now gone away) but wanted to let them know how bad it was. They said it would only take 5-6 minutes to remake so we let them. When it was brought to the table, it was not brought by the server nor a manager, and there was no apology for the mishap with the order. This time it was better, but still 1-2 spots of burnt. Besides that, we also noticed our table was dirty upon arrival. There were still crumbs on the seats and the table. We saw a busser come wipe off a table with only a towel, no disinfectant spray, and wipe the crumbs onto the floor and walk away. When I visited the restroom, my stall had multiple toilet seat covers thrown all over the floor. The restroom reeked of urine and the toilet paper was not on the holder, it was behind the toilet with no protection, just a single roll you had to grab and use. Overall, this was an awful experience. Our server was great but everything else was a complete miss. Will not be returning for a long time.

  • Anthony Ladd

    Anthony Ladd


    Seems to be a popular lunch spot. The physical menus need cleaning🧼. We ordered Mexican Tortilla salad and Jamaican Pepper Chicken and Shrimp with brown rice, plantains, and black beans. Complimentary bread was delicious. So were both meals. Plating was very appealing. If you like spicy, you’ll find both of these menu items to your liking.

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