The Brown Palace Hotel and Spa, Autograph Collection i Denver

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Forenede StaterThe Brown Palace Hotel and Spa, Autograph Collection



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321, 17th Street, 80202, Denver, Denver County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 303-297-3111
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Latitude: 39.7441861, Longitude: -104.9878115

kommentar 5

  • Lee Mashburn

    Lee Mashburn


    The lobby of the Brown Palace is incredible. Wonderful furniture and the roof is amazing. The decor in the restaurants and rooms leaves much to be desired. Restaurants seem very outdated and the ships tavern doesn't seem to fit for the location. The hotel rooms are a typical Marriot room. Not sure if would classify anything other than the lobby as an Autograph Collection Hotel!

  • Sarah Biondo

    Sarah Biondo


    This is a beautiful, historic building and landmark in downtown Denver with a gorgeous, rich interior. Not only do they have an authentic, period cigar bar, which we enjoyed most recently, they also serve a traditional high tea! We were there on Derby Day this year and the whole entire center of the hotel was filled with people in full Derby outfits and hats and they were enjoying high tea with sandwiches and tea. We were not there for Derby day and we're not dressed for the occasion, so we enjoyed the Cigar Bar and our husbands enjoyed delicious cigars that they chose from the cigar menu and everyone enjoyed a couple of old fashions while we lounged in leather, claw foot chairs and talked amongst the cool, wallpapered walls.

  • Erica Olivier

    Erica Olivier


    A group of friends and I met for late afternoon tea. We had forgotten to ask about menu items for special dietary needs in advance and since the pastry chef had already left for the day, there was no way to place a special order. Even so, one of our tea hosts was able to magically create a plate of gluten-free delights for our friend so she could fully enjoy tea with the rest of us. We had such a lovely time that we stayed late but we were not rushed out or pressured to leave. The tea staff is always great but this time, they went above and beyond to accommodate us and make our experience perfect.

  • en

    Julia Simon


    Beautiful historic property with three restaurants and amenities located in downtown Denver. We stayed here for 4 nights and had an enjoyable experience. Room were clean and bed was comfortable. One thing I like the most is lobby area, so large and well decorated. I recommend this hotel for everyone who would like to have a great time staying in Denver!

  • Mone T.

    Mone T.


    I come here occasionally to visit the Churchill cigar lounge. This time I took a few minutes to appreciate the beauty of this historical hotel. I've never actually stayed here but I've been to the lounge s few times and I've had afternoon tea with my wife here. Even without staying I can tell you this is a great hotel. Every time I walk in I feel like a VIP. The staff is usually super nice and helpful like you would expect from a premiere hotel. The decor is elegant without being gaudy. You get the feel of being in a pricey place without feeling over your head or out of your range. That being said, you will pay top dollar but you can still afford to pay your mortgage when your done. I think I'll take my wife here for a romantic night sometime soon. When I do I will add to this review.

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