The Brass Tap en New York

Estados UnidosThe Brass Tap



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4, South Street, 10004, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 212-320-9543
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.701009, Longitude: -74.0130246

comentarios 5

  • de

    Pascal Schneider


    Wirbt mit zahlreichen Bieren vom Fass, leider war aber nur eins verfügbar. Alle anderen waren leer.... Zufall?

  • en

    N E


    After more than an hour of waiting for our food we were very disappointed. We asked our waitress after 30 mins and she said it was on the way - but after 30 more minuets we asked to just pay for our drinks and left - still hungry! We never got our food or any info on why it took so long. She didn’t seem to care at all.

  • en

    Timothy Bunalski


    We go to The Brass Tap in Round Rock, TX all the time. When we found out this was in Manhattan we had to come check it out. I was not expecting it to be inside the building where the ferries are so we walked past it a few times. Our server and the manager were both very nice. Beer selection was limited to mostly domestic and run of the mill beers. Our home location is one of our favorite places to have a few drinks and relax. It was good to check the box that we went here but probably won't return visit.

  • en

    Amb M


    Visitors to NYC. Ended up here for a few beers. Staff super helpful! Massive beer selection. Friendly relaxed place. Delicious drinks! Recommend a stop here on the way to or from Staten Island.

  • Vic Voroshilov

    Vic Voroshilov


    Отличный бар и барная стойка!

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