The Blue Octopus en Tacoma

Estados UnidosThe Blue Octopus



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5111, Grand Loop, 98407, Tacoma, Pierce County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 253-301-0877
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 47.299463, Longitude: -122.5046666

comentarios 5

  • Chuck Messinger

    Chuck Messinger


    Weird little place but great service. You have to be into the wine thing to get it.

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    stephanie SW


    It is exciting to have a champagne bar in Tacoma. I have several girlfriends who love it but not wine so much, so I went in early March for a friends birthday. The champagne flight was good and plenty to share with 3 to 4 people to get taste to decide what you wanted a glass of or for two to share to try and perhaps be done. They have a small appetizer menu that was a solid 7.5/10. We ordered the cheese plate which had an amazing goat cheese. We ordered the truffle popcorn, which I liked but my two friends thought it wasn’t enough truffle flavor. We also ordered the pistachio’s that were advertised as de-shelled but came shelled, which didn’t bother me, but my friend mentioned the menu should be updated. They are relatively new and changing thing like that might be costly and will probably be updated whenever there are significant change on the menu. Overall if you aren’t that hungry and like champagne good choice. Also there are so many food choice around this location like wild fin, mio sushi, and Ferrell’s pizza to name a few. You have other food options. Finally, check out photos. I will close with a good and bad. The server a young man did not pour the champagne well, he pour some on the table of a nice bottle my friend bought to treat herself (so she poured the rest for the table after that to ensure the rest of the bottle would make it into the glasses).They have an art studio up stairs so you can do a drink and art party type event.

  • Stacey Brentin

    Stacey Brentin


    Fun champagne bar! Have other drinking options including beer and wine. Some little snacks to accompany your drinks. The service was attentive and fun. I'll be looking to go back soon, excellent options.

  • Luke Walstead

    Luke Walstead


    Cool place! I have worked there as a freelance musician and I definitely like the staff and the vibe from a professional standpoint. Haven't been in as a customer so I can't speak to their selection or prices but the ambience is really cool!

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    Caitlin Schlatter


    I was beyond excited to try this new, cute spot out to celebrate me and my mother’s birthday. We had a party of 4 and were helped by two different gals. One was accommodating and very pleasant, however the other was so rude at certain points my jaw dropped. We were spoken to like we were idiots along with the feeling of being rushed out the door. I did enjoy the atmosphere and the mimosas were so good! But honestly there’s so way I would ever go back after the way my friends and I were treated after visiting for a day that was meant to be special. Pretty bad attitude for such a relaxing, cute establishment. Bummer. Also, wasn’t sure if she was lying when she told our party there was no restroom?? No biggie if not, but we were told to go somewhere else in the middle of drinking wine..

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