The Beech Tree Inn w Brookline

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Beech Tree Inn



🕗 godziny otwarcia

83, Longwood Avenue, 02446, Brookline, Norfolk County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 857-267-1783
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3406302, Longitude: -71.1169442

komentarze 5

  • Linda Wellner

    Linda Wellner


    The best Inn I have ever stayed in. Home made baked goods all day and super friendly staff. The Beech Tree is clean, comfortable and cozy. Like a home away from home.

  • en

    Kyle Hansen


    Could not recommend The Beech Tree Inn enough. Wonderful rooms, gorgeous location, authentic and incredible staff, and stimulating atmosphere. The absolute best experience I've ever had with an Inn/Hotel, hands down.

  • Sarah Kuklewicz

    Sarah Kuklewicz


    I love the Beech Tree Inn. The rooms are pleasant, the beds are comfortable, breakfast is delicious, afternoon cakes are amazing, and the service is beyond anything I've experienced elsewhere. I've started here several times and always been impressed. Other than the service, which is outstanding, it's the fresh baked goods every day that really make this place stand out from the crowd. Breakfast is cereal (including homemade granola), baked goods, yoghurt, fruit, eggs, a selection of breads that you can toast. It's not, I admit, a fry up, and there are only a few hot items, so if you need bacon to start your day you'll be disappointed, but did I mention the amazing baked goods?

  • Katy Wood

    Katy Wood


    Really cute place with the kindest people and a mouthwatering array of fresh baked goods! Lovely neighborhood within walking distance of longwood medical area and all the fun tourist sites. 100% would recommend.

  • Jason Reed

    Jason Reed


    We came into town with our 9 month old for some medical procedures, and The Beech Tree In was exceptionally kind, and made sure we had everything we needed. The building is older, and has a lot of charm. We stayed in two different rooms, and we were very comfortable. Breakfast and snacks are excellent.

najbliższy Kwatera

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