Thai Me Up w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneThai Me Up



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118, South 23rd Street, 15203, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-488-8893
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.427132, Longitude: -79.973343

komentarze 5

  • en

    C W Clemmons


    This was a great little Thai food place that we stumbled upon when visiting from out of town. The food was delicious and serving sizes were decent. The service was great. It actually seemed they were happy to have you in their restaurant. It is BYOB which is different but nice. The spiciness levels were accurate so if you like a real kick, go for it. They also could accommodate sarge group (there were 11 of us). We walked in so I'm not sure about reservations but I'm sure you could make one. Doubt you would need it though. Overall, if your are looking for Thai in Pittsburgh, I would recommend this little gem.

  • Lauralynn Mangis

    Lauralynn Mangis


    My favorite place for lunch or dinner! Best Thai food in Pittsburgh. Friendly service and warm inviting atmosphere. Prices are amazing and the food is just the best! I highly recommend checking them out! Stop by the Sweet Panda store that's attached for some amazing shopping!

  • Helena TheUnicorn

    Helena TheUnicorn


    The food is good. Its not amazing but not bad. I enjoy it. I noticed the scale of spicy doesnt really have a uniform spice. Ive been here a few times, and each time a 5 spice level has been noticeably different. But honestly I mostly go because the lady who is always working. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she has GREAT customer service. When my friend and i come to eat, we always feel welcomed. (where we might have felt shunned in other places.) This place is a perfect example of how amazing staff will bring people back over and over. The food itself is only 4 stars if I'm honest. But I'm rating 5 stars because I've never been somewhere, where service has been this great, consistently.

  • en

    Kate Riehle


    Very good selection of Thai favorites and some other SE Asian flavors. I was impressed by the top notch service, especially on a busy Friday night. If you are a foodie, try the spicy noodle salad. It was an amazing explosion of flavor typical of this cuisine. And don't be afraid to spice it up. I was highly satisfied across the board.

  • Damian Suess

    Damian Suess


    Authentic Thai cuisine prepared right from their personal and traditional homes. This is one place I can close my eyes, point to a random selection and know it's going to be delicious! If you don't like flavorful & traditional, then you came to the wrong place. I come here hungry and leave happy every time. Always greeted with a smile and treated great every time. Two thumbs up! 👍👍

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