Thai Foot Massage i Mesa

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Forenede StaterThai Foot Massage



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66, South Dobson Road, 85202, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-668-2828
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Latitude: 33.4136607, Longitude: -111.8757749

kommentar 5

  • Roy B

    Roy B


    Where do I start.... the prices are very reasonable, the environment is extremely relaxing. Frank was the gentleman who made me feel so good!!! No chiropractor has helped as much as an hour at this place! Tipping is an ancient tradition when service is merited, and it is very much the case here!!!

  • en

    Aaron Manning


    Went here with a friend. Had a GNARLY knot in my lower back for like 3 days but after spending a wonderful hour here it was all gone. This place is amazing, polite and friendly staff, specialists that pay care and attention to what you need. Absolutely 5/5 thank you so much.

  • Charielle Rose

    Charielle Rose


    I came here expecting a foot massage but it was so much more. They did a whole body massage and it was amazing. I'll definitely come back here.

  • Katie Kinkel

    Katie Kinkel


    Great deal. High quality usually, but you're clothed and people around you in one dark peaceful room. Everyone is quiet and polite though, and you can't beat the price, so tip generously. Every masseuse is slightly different.

  • en

    Elizabeth Stewart


    I absolutely love this place. The 1 hr foot massage is so relaxing. Don't be fooled by foot, as the massage includes the entire body from head to toe.

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