TGI Fridays i Oklahoma City

Forenede StaterTGI Fridays



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4239, Northwest Expressway, 73116, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 405-842-2111
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Latitude: 35.5399332, Longitude: -97.595344

kommentar 5

  • Jena Anson

    Jena Anson


    Had a great time! Was well taken care of by our waiter. Good food too!

  • en

    Anna Hamilton


    My guest and I sat at the bar. The young lady manning it had no idea how to prepare orders and was busy dancing and singing and checking her phone instead of assisting all of the customers that were waiting on her. Three tables ended up leaving without paying because they got tired of waiting on her.

  • en

    Dustin Wheeler


    They refuse to answer their own phones after first putting me on hold for half an hour. Now every time I call back, from any number, they don't answer. I was trying to place and order for pickup because online requires a credit card. However I didn't even get the chance to tell that to the people at the store because they're refusing to do their jobs. Look at the other bad reviews this place has gotten. Where is management? Who's the owner? Does no one care about the state of decay this place is in? I used to love your food but now I'm boycotting this. My family is joining me and so is my fiance and her family. Unless this is made right i will make sure you continue to gradually lose business until you either fix whats wrong, or close your doors.

  • EllA Waller

    EllA Waller


    Took like 7 minutes for us to be sat, 15 mins later to get our drinks then another 10 minutes to order. After 45 minutes we finally get our food and the "bacon" burger was well done after asking for med and only had 1 piece of bacon on it. Sweet tea wasn't mixed well, trash on the floor, barely any fries as a side. It wasn't even crowded. The manager comped our meal, which was very nice of her, but I'm not interested in spending nearly and hour & 1/2 waiting on a $30 meal when Whataburger takes 5 minutes for twice the bacon and 1/2 the price. The veggie burger was good, just not worth $13.50. Burger kings' veggie burger is better and you don't have to wait an hour for it. Our server was polite.

  • Levi



    Menu items at TGI Fridays are not the same as they once were. It seems that they like to try to be creative with their food dishes and will replace ingredients or take things off the menu entirely and put something kinda similar but no where close to what use to be on the menu. Also their alcoholic drinks do not have prices on their menu and the waiters don't know the prices. This is because their drinks are smaller then other restaurants and pricier. The waiter we received had worked there a while and still did not know much. I personally asked about glass sizes with particular alcoholic drinks. And was told I would receive their tall glass when he brought the drink to the table it was a shot glass on steroids. And he kept carrying on about how its neat because they mix them at the table..... If I had wanted a show I'd go to the theatre. 1 alcoholic drink and 1 meal (wife eat I didn't) and our bill was $37.

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