TGH Brandon ER i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterTGH Brandon ER



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10740, Palm River Road, 33619, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-660-6700
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Latitude: 27.9300521, Longitude: -82.3362033

kommentar 5

  • Jonathan Parker

    Jonathan Parker


    Is there a less than 1 star rating? On the 31st, I went to this hospital with stomach pains. The nurse was trying to find a vein to administrator an IV and wasn't having luck. In trying to find my vein, they damaged nerves and told me the bruise and discomfort would go away within a couple of days. Of course it didn't. I went back on day 4 because I I was concerned there was a blood clot. I was told to sign a document (that I didnt sign the previous visit) saying that this was a TEACHING hospital. I assume trying to cover their butt. They did an ultrasound only and determined there was no clot but after speaking with a family medical acquaintance and found there's other precautions they could have taken, like having a surgeon to take a look and make sure it's not a clot under the skin. This hospital doesn't care about their patients. I am putting this everywhere possible as a beware!!! Don't go to this place.

  • Janine Benda

    Janine Benda


    I’ve sadly been here twice on emergencies , but the care of the medical team here is the best I’ve had. Dr Lauren honest , compassionate, did everything needed for my emergency today , Meghan the RN (I may be wrong on titles so please forgive me), she was super friendly, efficient and thorough. I truly felt they took their time , answered all my questions and concerns. They diagnosed me properly and sent me on my way without worry. Josue who took my insurance and helped me with the forms, he was very kind. The front check in gentleman and security were super great too!

  • Erica Bader

    Erica Bader


    Brought my brother in very sick producing cardiac changes. The staff was amazing from security/registration at the front, the nurses/Paramedics and physicians. Dr.Haughey took the time for a through evaluation , lab work, and imaging prior to admitting directly to his admit room to continue care. The courtesy ambulance provided by TGH via the contracted Americare were also very assuring and got him to the hospital without issue. After spending a week admitted he was able to go home safely to his family.

  • Jessica Staggs

    Jessica Staggs


    I went to this ER on Tuesday because it was closet to where I live. Was in so much pain that I was crying. The guy at front desk said to wear mask. Which I got one and put on but due to my glasses fogging up I kept it a little below my nose. He then yells at me in front of everyone to pull my mask up. This ER cares more about a stupid mask that has proven to be not effective than to actually help someone in pain. I said screw this mask and walked out. Went down the road to advent health ER and was treated with respect and care! Tampa General won't be getting my business anymore!!!!

  • Bianca Barresi

    Bianca Barresi


    Wish I could give no STARS I'm here brought by ambulance... To only be brought to a half empty wait room. My ankle is most likely broken. It's half empty in the back. These people who work here are not at all careing very hostile. This is the most disgusting hospital I've ever been too. Bring me back to the waiting room the lady almost bumped my foot into the wall. I'm in a scorching pain. Smh

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