Tequila House i Charlotte

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Forenede StaterTequila House



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116, West 5th Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 980-322-5724
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Latitude: 35.2286231, Longitude: -80.8423596

kommentar 5

  • Jose Contreras-Ruiz, M.D.

    Jose Contreras-Ruiz, M.D.


    An awful place if you ask me. Expensive, rude and a scam. I was looking for a place to dance salsa and bachata in South Carolina while visiting for a conference. I found this place in google and decided to checkk it out on friday. It says it closes at 2:00 am, but the first surprise is that at midnight they would not let anyone in anymore, so I had to wait for the next day. On Saturday I went and the first surprise was that the cover charge is 10 USD instead of the no-cover or 5 USD cover most clubs in the area have. I imagined the place would be great if they charged a 10 USD cover charge. Well, it wasnt. The music was DJ (I have been to live music places that charge that cover) and quite standard. The drinks were more expensive than elsewhere in the surroundings. The staff is not nice and the place looks are very cheap. They had two or three private parties and that is it. Then the worst part came. I decided to go out and check other places, but wanted a stamp or something in case I wanted to return. I asked for that and I was told by the lady asking for the 10 USD, that it was the place´s policy that every time you went out and came back you had to pay 10 USD!!!! Is that even legal??? I had a much better time in a nearby club that had a latin night.

  • en

    Aishwarya Panchpor


    Disorganized and not enough seating. Drinks were expensive and not worth the hype.

  • en

    Axel Melendez


    Great music and lively dance floors. Amazing patio view of skyscrapers. Not to mention the bartenders are very good!

  • Julian Miguel

    Julian Miguel


    One of the few places in Charlotte for Latin music! Usually crowded and energetic, right there in Uptown Charlotte to visit with friends for drinks and good vibes.

  • Salma Kobaili

    Salma Kobaili


    NEVER EVER EVER GO HERE EEEWWWW So I come all the way from a different city to have fun and enjoy my 21st bday and these lame dramatic pple wont even let my best friend in because of his foreign shoes. And we couldn't leave because me and my other friend already paid 20$ each to get in, and 10$ each to keep our coats. When we wanted to get out money back, it was impossible, and when we decided to go buy him shoes and comeback, they said we'll have to pay again? Ugh I LOVE THE QUEEN CITY But this was a lame experience and ruined my bday. We talked to the workers, manager, owner, security, EVERYBODY.. but NOTHING.. nobody showed a little tiny bit of sympathy. The crazy thing is that my friend was wearing some European Jordans that Tequila house was ignorant enough to not let him with. NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN.

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