Тенафлай Нейчер Сентер i Tenafly

Forenede StaterТенафлай Нейчер Сентер



🕗 åbningstider

313, Hudson Avenue, 07670, Tenafly, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-568-6093
internet side: tenaflynaturecenter.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.924638, Longitude: -73.944983

kommentar 5

  • Sydney Mayya

    Sydney Mayya


    Too many rocks. My friend and I tripped on slippery rocks so many times. DONT GO ON RAINY DAYS

  • Daniel James Petraitis

    Daniel James Petraitis


    A great short hike with lots of nature and wildlife in-between....well hidden

  • Omer Koren

    Omer Koren


    Great place to hike with small children. Great and fun activities for the entire family.

  • Deborah Adams

    Deborah Adams


    Great place to go. If you love nature go there, and bring the kids! Check in for offered activities and special days like Earth Day!

  • Juan Manzano

    Juan Manzano


    This is a beautiful place to enjoy nature, only 40 min drive from Times Square brings you to this great nature reserve, you can admire a lovely red tale hawk named Rubi and two beautiful owls deemed not able to survive in their natural habitat so the Tenafly Nature Center keeps them safe and pampered. If you want to spend a day in nature this is a great place.

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