Teen Challenge of Arizona w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneTeen Challenge of Arizona



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1515, Grand Avenue, 85007, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-271-4084
strona internetowej: tcaz.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4594626, Longitude: -112.0925158

komentarze 5

  • en

    Terri Lynn


    I was so excited that my son was going to Teen Challenge to get the help he needed. We just tragically lost my husband, his dad and he relapsed back into taking Percocet. I dropped him off in a Tuesday morning and gave them the $1600 intake fee. He was not able to take a seizure medication that he was on because of their rules. Since he hadn’t had a seizure in quite a while and they were drug induced so we thought he would be okay. Within 2 days he was on the verge of having a seizure and they took him to the hospital. The emergency room doctor determine after talking to the prescribing doctor that he must take the seizure medication and that it was life threatening for him to stop. Teen Challenge told him he had to leave immediately on Friday because it was not allowed for him to take prescription drugs in their facility. He had no place to go so stayed one more day but on Saturday they told him he could not stay another day and they could take him to a homeless shelter but he needed to get his stuff and leave at that minute. I asked for my $1600 back. They refused saying it was a donation and that they can’t refund a donation. Really? They called it an intake fee when I paid it. They made him leave after 4 days because of a life threatening medical condition requiring him to take a medication. We found a half way house that charged $160 a week. I’m now a single widow and struggling with my son that has an addiction, yet this Christian Based Facility feels they need to keep my $1600 when it was their choice for him to leave, not leave, they threw him out on a weekend, sick. Compassion? I don’t think so. I called and left a message for Pastor Jim and he didn’t even have the decency to call me back, he had Tyler call and say that they can’t give me my money back but they CAN allow my son to return if he takes a much smaller dose of the medication. Well for a facility that isn’t able to administer medication because they have no medical staff and no one has any medical training it’s kind of alarming that because they researched it on the Internet they feel that he can take a lesser amount that the Neurologist has prescribed. I believe the only reason they “offered” for him to come back and take a smaller dose of his prescription after they threw him out is because I wanted my money back. Bottom line my take on this place is “Money” is more important than my sons life and I’m sure we aren’t the first. If your not able to give your intake fee that has now turned into a donation in our case and your son isn’t able to go out 10 hours a day and get donations for them, you are of no use to them.

  • David Westgard

    David Westgard


    They do not respect "NO SOLICITING" signs or the word "NO". Very pushy, high pressure, overly aggressive tactics to extract money from your wallet. These young people are vulnerable and easy prey for this extremely conservative faith based organization. A good organization would help these young people find jobs instead putting them on the streets to push things that nobody wants. Beware the evangelical wolfs. They prey on the flock.

  • Gretchen Fyffe

    Gretchen Fyffe


    Great help and great bargains

  • Mike Kirby

    Mike Kirby


    Using the Awsome Power of Christ to heal

  • en

    andrew centner


    No place is perfect.. but most of the staff at TC have committed their lives to helping people pull themselves out of the dark and lonely world of addiction. I usually don't do reviews like this, but after reading some of these negative ones and how far from the truth they are I felt I had to. I know they ask for $$$ for someone to go through the TC program. I believe they ask for $1200 total. Where someone is going to live and sleep in a warm bed, have access to clean restrooms and showers (where all toiletries and hygiene products are provided at no cost if needed), and 3 full meals per day for over a year! And that is not including the rides to court or doctors appointments that the staff gives people regularly. All that being said, TC often brings people in for little to nothing or no money at all! This is not a cult like I read on one of the reviews! And the reason it is a big deal if someone wants to leave is because they are often wanting to leave after a few days or weeks of being their and are not ready and often relapse, and sadly at least a few per year overdose and die! If you are looking into TC for a loved one who is struggling with addiction, or for yourself... It is a great place to accomplish getting clean, rebuilding relationships with loved ones, and preparing yourself to go live a life in which you can accomplish all of your dreams! Not being held back by addiction.. My favorite staff member at TC is the intake coordinator Karl Ward, he is a no BS type guy who worked on power lines running a crew of lineman for most of his adult life. He will give it to you straight and let you know everything you need to know to make a decision. Give him a call at the Phoenix center if you have any questions. From getting to know Karl, I'm sure he would be happy to speak with you!

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