Ted Cook's 19th Hole BBQ w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneTed Cook's 19th Hole BBQ



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2814, East 38th Street, 55406, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 612-721-2023
strona internetowej: www.tedcooks19thholebbq.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9342487, Longitude: -93.231402

komentarze 5

  • en



    One of the best BBQ in the area. Chicken and ribs have a great flavor. Sides are good too. Reasonable prices.

  • en



    Best to walk-in and order, rather than calling. Service can be slow at times. The ribs are cooked perfectly with great smokiness.

  • Joaquin Munoz

    Joaquin Munoz


    I honestly think that Ted Cook's is proof that there is a God who loves us and wants us to be happy. Only a kind, loving and benevolent God would allow food as good as Ted Cook's to be invented and served to us. No I'm serious, it's that good. And they do take out only because once you eat it, you need to pass the hell out. Trust me. Just go try it. And get the "Jojo potatoes" (AKA fries/chips). You'll thank me later.

  • william murtha

    william murtha


    Ordered beef tips. $14.85 They said it feeds one. Amount was good but the tips were all very tough. Over cooked on the outside. They were like chewing on leather. After discarding the outer leather of each tip it left hardly any meat left. Mostly bones in each tip. Not a good value and not a good product. I was expecting amazing tips because someone recommended them to me and said they were the best around. I hated to right this review because it hurts business but the truth is the truth and how do you get better a better product if no one tells you how bad it was. Sorry

  • en

    Patrick Adams


    Potatoes are thick cut fresh fried potato chips that are half CRUNCHY and half soggy with BBQ sauce from the ribs 👌🏻.. Spicy is perfect spicy if you like spicy..Ribs are how ribs should taste if you like food from somebody who knows how to cook ribs. Haven’t eaten the Cole slaw yet, I have optimism tho! Piece of bread was thick cut and soft. Ate the whole thing. 5 star must have, I’m going back.

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