TD Bank in Englewood

Vereinigte StaatenTD Bank



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9, East Demarest Avenue, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 201-569-4051
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.8977716, Longitude: -73.972228

kommentare 5

  • en

    Meseka Hayes


    I'm very disappointed and unhappy with the unfair discriminating way that I was treated today. I make way to the drive thru window because one of my kids was ill. I get out of the car at drive thru present my I'd and ask for a checking withdrawal slip from teller who wasn't wearing name tag. I fill it out in the rain and sign directly in front of her. Time passes she rudely says what's your account number. I give it to her again. I see her taking photos of me. But I remain quite. Then she attempts to keep my i.d and withdrawal slip. I demand my Identification back and withdrawal slip. She then says I have to wait a few minutes she has to get approval for my amount. I say okay. A few minutes pass, she then says I have to go into branch for my transaction. I go inside branch and ask to speak with store manager and was told. He was gone, I then requested assistant manager. Some rude teller comes out by the name Loussa, no greetings or anything. She says is this your signature on withdrawal slip. I responded yes and you have my I'd to verify that i am me. She mumbles something. Still my money HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED TO ME. Meanwhile every one in the bank is looking at me and my kids. As if we did something wrong. The unprofessional Store supervisor Tariq comes over. No greeting. Whats the issue. I tell him and I demand that he get the drive thru teller Ms.Moreno. He says I'm not getting her and I have a customer. I will speak to her when you leave. I said well how would you resolve this. He was rude and said teaching doesn't happen in front of you. I will not allow her to be embarrassed how you where. This place is a negative zero and all of the three people need to lose their jobs. I was mistreated and discriminated humiliated in the worse way and not one staff member apologized.

  • Charles Hyde

    Charles Hyde


    The new, shorter hours are significantly less convenient. The difference between closing at 5 and 7 during the week is that I can arrive before 7, but cannot before 5. Thus, the bank is open, to me, 3 days a week.

  • Paul Cohen

    Paul Cohen


    Friendly staff. Lots of drive thru lanes. Very fast in and out.

  • GOD'S child henry

    GOD'S child henry


    Not very impressed with them, lack of staff. When there to have my name added to my husband checking account. I got no welcome letter or anything. The worker mumbled something about a letter and I'm to come back for bank card. It was early in the morning and he looked tired,as if he had a rough night.

  • en

    Reviewer Reports


    Subject to bank fraud. Checks are misappropriated and deposited without endorsement into unknown accounts instead of the proper designated recipient. Choose alternate banking firm if this practice is unacceptable to you.

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