TD Bank i Bowie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterTD Bank



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Maryland 197, 20716, Bowie, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-262-9166
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.946706, Longitude: -76.7332696

kommentar 5

  • Ms J

    Ms J


    I am not for sure why this bank got such poor reviews. I was just there yesterday. There was one bank teller who was very cordial and professional and another bank representative tending to customers. I asked where the nearest chick fil a was since I had to drive back to DC. The security guard gave me precise directions and I got my meal and was back on the road.

  • elmurodedavid



    People here are very nice. Some customers don't like to wait at all. I went there and they always smiled to me while helping me. They always tried their best to be fast but I can see while reading some comments here that many expect workers to process transactions in seconds and that's very difficult. Very nice and diligent people.

  • Stefany Mejia

    Stefany Mejia


    Extremely rude, unprofessional bank teller I have ever became across to. If you don’t want to be disappointed at TD bank please do not go to this branch

  • Adam Moore

    Adam Moore


    If I can give negative stars I definitely would. I’ve only visited this branch twice, once to open an account, which didn’t happen and one other time to get a replacement card and of course that didn’t happen. It’s not TD Bank on a whole, it’s just this particular branch. If you have to go to a branch, go to the Annapolis branch. They will definitely take care of you!

  • Karuna Biswas

    Karuna Biswas


    I'm a TD customer from Canada and now here in the states. The service in the Bowie location is very unprofessional and the employees does not have a clue what they are doing. They need basic computer knowledge to begin with and a decent training which they lack very much. Grocery stores cashier's can do a better job than these folks at this location. Go to Annapolis location for better and reliable service.

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