TD Bank w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneTD Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3560, Veterans Highway, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-585-0296
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7862494, Longitude: -73.1197992

komentarze 5

  • Deena Munz

    Deena Munz


    i love the service /customer service also BUT the 15.00 every time your account is below 100.00 is making me reconsider swiching from TD BANK to a different bank only because i have kids and bein a single parent ..sometimes i need 20 bks or so an if i do go below 100.00 that 15.00 fee they charge you is 1 of my childs lunch money for the week.

  • en



    Always understaffed. Employees unmotivated and not helpful. Today? NOBODY working. Another customer and I waited around for 15 minutes as there was NO tellers. An obnoxious woman told us the teller was "helping another customer". Meanwhile, we could see him in the parking lot making personal calls on his cell! They run this branch like a hot-dog stand. The only difference? When I go to the hot-dog stand? There's ALWAYS someone at the counter.

  • en

    Lester Seaman


    Friendly staff, very courteous. Absolutely love banking here.

  • Eric Lisoski

    Eric Lisoski


    I have always had a positive experience when dealing with this branch. I'm always greeted by name, with a smile, and always feel that both my time and business are valued.The branch manager even makes an effort to introduce himself and network with all of the local businesses in the area! I have gone at busy times when there was a line and the bankers were all assisting other customers. Even still, the team there will go out of their way to say hello, acknowledge your presence, and let you know that they will be right with you. I've also always found everyone at this branch to be very honest,friendly, and knowledgeable. If there is something that one of the bankers isn't sure of, another member of the team there is always able and willing to assist. A+ service.

  • en

    Kathy Shortemeyer


    I have had the pleasure of dealing with most, if not all of, the tellers at this location. Every one of them are friendly, professional and enthusiastic about the services they render. I am always greeted with a smile, and in this unfriendly world, that's a remarkable trait. I look forward to doing my banking every week because of the wonderful treatment by this staff.They often go above and beyond their job description to assist their customers. I truly appreciate all of their hard work and dedication to customer service.

najbliższy Bank

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