TD Bank w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneTD Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

102 S Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-843-5369
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9199032, Longitude: -74.0848835

komentarze 4

  • Alizabeth Barral

    Alizabeth Barral


    I alway have an issue with this bank but usually it’s just them trying to charge me for money orders but I always walk out not paying the fee. But this last time really was the last straw I went in on the 5th of February trying to get a money order for my car insurance and they started with you have to pay for a money order blah blah blah. I sat with a bank rep who said they were going to change my account to a much better account and I agreed to the terms about a month later I noticed I didn’t get the interest rate that I was promised! I end up calling td and asking them what was going on and they told me they never change my account and that they would sign me up for the account that I was promised to begin with but with different stipulations and once again, I agreed. But I felt I had a bone to pick with this location so I went back on a Saturday to ask WHY THERE IS ALWAYS AN ISSUES WITH THIS BANK? I was told by a bank rep that the first woman pushed the wrong button and signed me up for the wrong account. So I went home thinking, ok they admitted they’re wrong and everything would be corrected. To my surprise I got a call from the bank manager, Monday, stating that they were not at fault and that i was in the wrong and trying to mix my words to confuse me. I was so shocked at the woman’s rudeness! I will never go back to this bank ever again I hope they fire all the managers and reps and start anew. I have had a TD Bank account since I was 10 I love the bank it self but this one has to go!

  • John DeWitt

    John DeWitt


    Clean. Service is usually very quick. Staff is extremely friendly. Great Branch to go to...

  • Paul Cohen

    Paul Cohen


  • en

    SJ Pools and Landscaping LLC.


    Best Td Branch. All the workers are friendly and work as fast as they can to help you out!

najbliższy Bank

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