Tavallali Plastic Surgery w Vienna

Stany ZjednoczoneTavallali Plastic Surgery



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8245, Boone Boulevard, 22182, Vienna, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-876-9400
strona internetowej: www.tavmd.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9153823, Longitude: -77.2325823

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daisy Lopez


    Dr. Tavallali is simply amazing! I felt super comfortable since the day of my consultation till the very end. He truly cares about his patients and his patient coordinators/office staff are just as amazing! I’m extremely happy with my results!

  • en

    Minoo Lakani


    Almost died under his lipo and Tummy tuck surgery . The most horrifying experience a patient can face. After Dr Tavallali surgery I have been transferred to ER. Two days in ER he did not diagnose bacteria infection, and discharged me with high fever that has been treated with high dosage of Tylenol. CT Scan showed bubble around my colon and unfortunately the hole in my colon and necrotizing fasciitis destroyed massive amount of tissues and muscle and I lost almost 70% of my abdominal wall. following up Dr Morad Tavallali surgery I went through 18 surgery in Shock Trauma in Maryland and 13 surgery to reconstruct my abdominal wall. I am handicap for the rest of my life, very slow motion life. I lost my ascending colon, my Gull bladder has been removed and my entire abdomen and back and right side of my body are disfigured. A total of 32 surgery left me with a horrifying nightmare from this horrendous experience with this irresponsible Doctor Morad Tavallali!!! I am devastated and destroyed emotionally, physically and I lost my confident for the rest of my life. Please be happy with your look and don't trust this doctor. He fight for money to destroy you and has no feeling toward a patient that lost her life. I trusted him and in response he destroyed my life. Total cost including his surgery and following up his surgery almost $800.000 and he did not ever return my money back after failing. I took the case to court and lost because his insurance company lawyer proved that the hole in my colon was created by bacteria!!! and Doctor was not responsible to treat me for infection after his surgery. unfortunately I lost in court, but I hold my head up for one fact, I am innocently victimized and survived after this terrible tragedy of my life. I live with pain and pressure for the rest of my life. Even in Court the judge dismissed my case because my lawyer in their final statement used the word that the doctor is responsible for this tragedy. And the case was dismissed in first court and did not even get a chance to go to jury. I fought back. while everyone told me you will loos in court because it is a fight between you and a doctor. Yes I lost!! because I was a patient !!! My case never made to jury. I did not get a fair trial. I put this in public eyes and public judgment. I innocently was victimized by My Own Doctor and the system. I dont believe the judgment was ever made to my case. I was victimized. Public will do research on any medical case and public will judge. I am handicap for the fact that Dr did not make on time correct diagnose for the fever after surgery. I transferred to ER right after surgery!!!!!

  • Rose Calegari Sales

    Rose Calegari Sales


    Very accommodating and professional! I highly recommend Dr. Tavallali!

  • en

    Laney CR


    Dr. Tavallali is excellent! Professional, honest, courteous and friendly. I started coming in for Botox and on one of those appointment I decided to do a consult for my droopy upper eyelids. All can I say is "why didn't I do it sooner?" I love the results!!! The procedure itself was a breeze, all done under local anesthesia in about an hour. No pain. Amazing! I highly recommend Dr. Tavallali. Thank you so much for your wonderful work!

  • Jazmin Castro

    Jazmin Castro


    Dr. Tavallali and his staff were amazing!! Every appointment was informative and straight to the point. I did not consult with another surgeon after meeting Dr. Tavalli, I knew he was the one. (All of the nurses at the surgery center said Dr.Tavallali was their favorite surgeon too). I am beyond satisfied with my results thanks to Dr. Tavallali.

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