Tarmac-SPL en Farmingdale

Estados UnidosTarmac-SPL


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89, Florida Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-390-9410
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7137, Longitude: -73.420394

comentarios 5

  • Alvee Chowdhury

    Alvee Chowdhury


    The only shop I'll take my car and fully trust the mechanics. Damian and Jon are very knowledgeable and their attention to detail is unmatched.

  • Tahmid Bashir

    Tahmid Bashir


    Fantastic workmanship. Damian and Jon are both knowledgeable and highly skilled. Attention to detail here is second to none.

  • travis eddy

    travis eddy


    I've brought my cars here for years both John and Damian are great mechanics and fabricators when you bring your car into the shop you can rest assured that the job will be done right, they treat each and every car as if it's their own. They handle buisness in a fair professional manor and treat every customer with the respect they deserve. Weather it's basic repairs and maintenance ,custom fabrication, motor swaps, or even entire overhauls these guys get the job done right. Their work truly speaks for it's self so for any of you're automotive needs stop in and see the guys at Tarmac they will even help you figure out what to do with your car based on what type of driving your looking to do.

  • Pat Lapp

    Pat Lapp


    Great shop has done work on mine and many friends cars over the years. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    AWESOME SHOP!!!! This is the only shop I recommend people to go to, if you want quality work done on your performance car. Not only were the cars SICK, but the people working at the shop were extremely welcoming, especially Damian, the owner. He has an amazing style and is really an expert at what he does. He makes it his personal goal to insure that each car that comes out of his shop is done right and done with style. I would never take my car anywhere else again.

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