Target i Santa Ana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1330, 17th Street, 92705, Santa Ana, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-541-4593
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.7590415, Longitude: -117.8501201

kommentar 5

  • Denice Solorio

    Denice Solorio


    I always buy way more than I need here. Order online and pick up your order. They have everything you need and more.

  • Kyle w

    Kyle w


    Customer service was great. I'm really impressed how courteous this staff was.

  • en

    Crystal Guzman


    I basically do my target runs everywhere in Orange County but this target wasn't so good they have a very small portion of baby clothes I only found four different types of sweaters, this target didn't carry sewing thread and a mouse pad the bathrooms are all the way in back of the store and they're very far... employees are kind. I honestly rather go to the Target on 17th and Bristol if you're in Santa Ana.

  • Fattori C

    Fattori C


    Efraim manager! Excellent customer service, he helped me when by mistake Target put my credit on a card that was thrown away by mistake, and they handed me a card with no funds! With all my receipts! It took some time but he was eager to fix! Thank you!

  • kara murry

    kara murry


    Love it. Especially the $3 and under section... I always find something cute and cheap there!

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