Tampa Downtown Partnership i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterTampa Downtown Partnership



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400, North Ashley Drive, 33602, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-221-3686
internet side: www.tampasdowntown.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.9472321, Longitude: -82.460579

kommentar 5

  • Deidre Drewes

    Deidre Drewes


    I love attending their events - the Winter Village is absolutely beautiful!

  • Deana Conklin

    Deana Conklin


    If I could give negative 5 stars I would! This is the worst possible company to work for. Management (Lynda Ramund and Julio) is totally incompetent and about as inexperienced at as they come. They claim to have an open door policy but DO NOT believe it! When I told them about an employee that was drinking on the job, I was written up. for "taking too many bathroom breaks".Then, 4 months later, another who has been with the company 11 years, Diderot Nemorim (#308) was (and STILL IS) taking 2 lunch breaks, sleeping in the uniform closet and NOT working, and hanging out in the office after managers go home every day. You'd think that these are things they would WANT to know. But instead I was terminated for "being a trouble maker". Stay far away from this company as a job seeker. It's nothing but favoritism, lies, gossip and high school back stabbing drama. (ALL perpetrated and instigated by Theresa Walls (#105) one of the clean team members, who was recently demoted for being a lazy fat fcuk) Totally not worth it.

  • Agency Ink

    Agency Ink


    I guess that it's alright to be buying a fifth of bourbon and two packs of smokes from The Hub at 10AM while you're on the clock huh. No wonder your crew looks as disheveled as they do!

  • Ben Delanoy

    Ben Delanoy


    Ok, let me preface this review by getting this out there. The Tampa Downtown Partnership just fired my girlfriend for leaving work early due to having a ‘feminine accident’ on the job. Yes, that is correct. And while for most part the Tampa Downtown Partnership’s premise as a company is a great one, this particular outfit needs a complete overhaul. My girlfriend actually left her position at a downtown Tampa establishment to work for the Partnership because 1. It seemed like a good way to network and 2. She would be getting some exercise. Little did she know the exercise that she would getting would be running away from another Downtown Partnership employee who was stalking her on their shift together. To make matters worse, this employee was a former gang member with multiple convictions, who was not only drinking on the job, but was also fired from Partnership before for the same misconduct. After blowing the whistle on this felon, she began getting harassed by management who was protecting this individual. Why does no one speak of these indiscretions? Why are these people still in their positions? Because they are primarily ex-convicts who not only know how hard it is to get a job with extensive rap sheets, but it is unethically held over their head by management. Even today, as I type this I was told by several of these individuals that they were not allowed to talk to, associate or even be seen near my girlfriend or I because they would be terminated. These are the people who are pulling the strings behind the scenes as the “Ambassadors of our City.” Tampa is a great city that many of us love, especially downtown. It is a shame that it is tarnished by a few individuals who lack the morals, ethics and professionalism that makes this city great.

  • Nigel Hawthorne

    Nigel Hawthorne


    I encountered one of the guides on the Riverwalk and he reeked of alcohol, and could barely speak English. I had to usher my son away as I could tell he was a little intimidated by this man's current capacity. I would hope that this isn't an ambassador to the City of Tampa as their website states.

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