Taco Bell w Baytown

Stany ZjednoczoneTaco Bell



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3520, Garth Road, 77521, Baytown, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-427-1440
strona internetowej: locations.tacobell.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7609522, Longitude: -94.977005

komentarze 5

  • Gary Little Jr

    Gary Little Jr


    I happen to like Taco Bell. I ordered chicken quesadilla with extra crunchy taco. It's cut into 4 pieces. 2 had few pieces of chicken. The others had mostly cheese. Not a very even spread. The tacos were soupy to me. I took a bit and the grease poured out the other side. I'd say about a palm full. The taco meat didn't taste very seasoned at all. The service was quick as I ordered from a kiosk. The place was well kept and not littered as I have witnessed at other locations. The food filled my belly but was not 100% happy with how it tasted nor the amount of grease.

  • Matthew Salazar (Matt)

    Matthew Salazar (Matt)


    I want to say Thank You to the Manager on duty. I told him the potatoes were old and hard and he replaced them with no problem. They were better the 2nd time. I didn't get his name. The food was delicious and I enjoyed every bite. Thank You T.B.

  • John Hilzendager

    John Hilzendager


    Really nice people. The staff was nice the food was delicious and the property was very well kept. Restrooms were very clean. I was very pleased with the food and was very impressed with how nice everyone was. I would definitely recommend this place to everyone. I know I will be revisiting this place anytime I'm in Baytown. Good prices great food and exceptionally nice staff.

  • Dillon Rich

    Dillon Rich


    If I could give zero stars I would! Worst service I’ve ever experienced along with prioritizing off the clock employees over full paying customers. Waited an hour in the lobby waiting for my food before asking when my food was gonna be ready they couldn’t tell me. BY FAR THE WORST EXPERIENCE IVE EVER EXPERIENCED, I don’t know if I mentioned that. Along with that they couldn’t give me a refund since I used the mobile app. Now I have to call a bunch of robots just to talk to a real person for my money back. I ADVISE never go to this place! Just absolutely horrible, employees had no motivation to get food out and caught several employees just standing around with atleast 7-8 customers waiting in the lobby, along with that, the manager by no means was trying to help his crew get orders out or motivate his crew. AGAIN! Worst service I’ve ever had

  • Isabel Solorio

    Isabel Solorio


    It’s amazing how when we get inside and start ordering before they switch to their lunch menu and finish ordering, the lady from the kitchen steps up and says they don’t serve breakfast anymore even though we were able to order breakfast items. Also disappointed because I ordered hard shell supreme tacos and they had no sour cream, two pieces of tomatoes, and only a few pieces of lettuce. On top of all that no freezes even though we were, again, able to order it. None of this would have been an issue if we would’ve at least been informed of such shortage of items or maybe they just didn’t want to make it. No refund offered for drink, and had a regular cup thrown our way with no difference back for the freeze or anything. I’m honestly upset enough that I don’t want to eat. I never come to Taco Bell and it’s not without reason. I hope things change here soon and they get better with their service because this is ridiculous.

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