T-Mobile w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneT-Mobile



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3524, Altamesa Boulevard, 76133, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-984-8800
strona internetowej: www.t-mobile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6516466, Longitude: -97.3677994

komentarze 5

  • Cristian Rodriguez

    Cristian Rodriguez


    Sunhine in an iritible way

  • en

    Alexsia Coleman


    Horrible waiting time... Store not very clean....every time I go in the store a new face(highturnover)....I sure miss the guy who used to run this location(Tommy)....unfortunately he passed...

  • en

    manuel castillo


    Spoke to a staff person yesterday about buying a couple of new phones. He was courteous and gave me the price of the phones and other information. Today, called about the need to bring in the old phones. Was told prices and other details can't be discussed. Most come in. BS 😠

  • en

    Oscar Garcia


    Worst customer service ever. I have been to this T-mobile retailer for years but today's employees and customer service was terrible. We waited for 2 hours just to speak with a sales representative. After asking if they had an iPhone 7 in stock they said it would take 15 minutes to check the system and proceeded to help another guest and just pushed us aside. We waited and then the sales associate said the system crashed and couldn't check at the moment. How hard is it to go in the back and check if you have a phone in stock!

  • Susana Rguez

    Susana Rguez


    Poor customer service from the manager to a customer! Customer comes first".. He walk away from the store when store was super busy... Wonder if he gets pay salary??? Left my cell last night to have the warranty exchange transfer to the new device, I come in today around 7pm its now 8:43pm and I'm still here waiting for them cuz isn't ready Yet!!👎👎👎almost thinking to be done with T-Mobile for this type of customer service..

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