T-Mobile i Albuquerque

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterT-Mobile



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2102, Central Avenue Southeast, 87106, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 505-346-0752
internet side: www.t-mobile.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0807345, Longitude: -106.6237897

kommentar 5

  • Anees Abrol

    Anees Abrol


    Great customer service over the phone. Asked for information for 8+ shipping and the lady was very helpful. Must recommend this specific store..

  • en

    Scott Bourque


    The people that help you and answer your questions are good. Friendly atmosphere like you are at home.

  • Aaron Bowens

    Aaron Bowens


    Tommy and Cynthia are two of the nicest, most professional and genuinely friendly reps I've ever encountered. Their customer service game is absolutely next level and can't be praised enough. Best TMo experience I've had to date.

  • Joseph Lovato

    Joseph Lovato


    Be very aware of what you hand the customer service reps at this store. They failed o return my ID card. I noticed I didnt have it a few feet from leaving the store. When I went back for it, they could find it. They have very sketchy customer service reps.

  • en

    Rd Stendel-Freels


    It's a very rare occasion when the entire staff of a business makes you feel right at home without making it look like they're going out of their way to do it. Just amazing customer service at this store. Salesperson Christina showed me a range of options, but never tried to upsell. Instead, she seemed genuinely concerned about matching me to the phone that would fit my needs. She even followed up after the sale and was able to take care of problems with our account that we've been trying to take care of for quite some time, going 'round and 'round with national reps. She got it done in five minutes. This is the place to go!

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