T-Mobile w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneT-Mobile



🕗 godziny otwarcia

167, West 57th Street, 10019, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-586-4979
strona internetowej: www.t-mobile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7655466, Longitude: -73.9795413

komentarze 5

  • Thiago Soares

    Thiago Soares


    Excellent, great service.

  • en

    Carleo Mohammed


    Busy Friday afternoon but quick service attended by Krystal who applied a new screen protector to my Galaxy S8

  • vic Oregano

    vic Oregano


    There is a reason why people in general hate going into cell phone stores and after my experience at this T-Mobile store today I completely understand why. The sales person who was "helping" me was a completely shady character who for a whole 20 mins lied straight to my face about the price of a phone and how I could not buy a phone at that T-Mobile store without an account. Fortunately for me but unfortunately for him, I happen to used to work at a cell phone store years ago so unlike most people I know all the tricks and lies. It's very sad that not much has changed in all these years. I called customer service to verify this information and of course I was correct, the sale agent was a liar. Again, I tho I used to work in sales years ago so I know the pressure of quotas but I still manage to close with good numbers without having to resort to lying to my customers. Someone should explain this to the store manager of this store. In the end I simply ordered the item for my mother online without any worries. My only advice to anyone walking into this store is to use caution, if they lie about one thing, imagine everything else these people who have your credit information are lying to you about without you even knowing.

  • Jill Camille

    Jill Camille


    This location in midtown Manhattan is never (NYC insanely) crowded even during weekday "rush hours". I have been a T-mobile customer for around 10 years (maybe longer) and this has been my "home" store for all of that time. The managerial and floor staff have always been knowledgeable, helpful and patient.

  • John Ziegler

    John Ziegler


    For years, I have gone to this location every time I needed to buy a new phone or change my plan. It's never very crowded, and the service has always been great. The employees have always been willing to help find the most cost effective plan or device for my needs without any pressure, other than sometimes suggesting something from the accessory wall.

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