T & J BP w Wood-Ridge

Stany ZjednoczoneT & J BP



🕗 godziny otwarcia

40, Hackensack Street, 07075, Wood-Ridge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-939-9575
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8430972, Longitude: -74.0879441

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vikram Kumar


    Old owner is gone. Has a new Gas station with cheap gas and new mechanic who seems to be very popular

  • Scott Sedita

    Scott Sedita


    I hate to write bad reviews, but I have to say this guy was an absolute "jerk-off". I stopped in one afternoon to have tires mounted and was told to come back the following morning between 930 and 10, I got here at 9:25 and waited until 1005 and they just never showed up. The sign on their door said that they open at 7 AM. This is no way to run a business. I went back later that afternoon and was told there were two cars ahead of me if I wanted to I could leave my vehicle and wait, to me, this was unacceptable. not for nothing, I have a job too, I need to get work done myself. he missed the appointment so he should take my car in next. I highly suggest finding someone else for your repair work.when I told him I would have to go somewhere else he basically gave me that "f&@$ off" attitude. that place will never ever get any of my business.

  • en

    Katie Shelly


    I've heard good things about their mechanic staff, however the old man who owns the place and often mans the gas tanks is tremendously rude. They also will close in the middle of the day without posting a sign, leaving you idling in your car for nothing.

  • en

    Francis Xavier


    The worst possible experience I've had at a gas station. The place is run by an extremely rude old man. I am new to NJ and didn't know he was supposed to fill my gas; I'm used to filling it myself. When I took a few seconds to understand that, he began shouting at me to open the gas tank and knocking rudely on the lid. I asked him why he was so angry. He replied that "if you don't want gas, then take your car and go". I asked why are you being rude and he said "you can go. I don't care about you as a customer". In front of another customer he said "I'm the owner; no one cares about the customer; take your car and go somewhere else". I'm surprised that anyone with an ounce of self respect will continue to go to that horrid place.

  • Mark S

    Mark S


    Honest Auto Repairs Doesn't look like much from the outside or inside.Got a flat tire and limped in.They took me right away,I was done in 15 minutes,they charged me 10 dollars,What a Bargain.Since the I've been back for brakes,muffler,more flat tires,tune ups,belts,you name it.Always a fair price.Most of the repairs done the same day.Mark,the owner supervises the place on site and is a true gentleman.Always Good to find an honest mechanic!!!

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