Swift Industries i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSwift Industries



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558, 1st Avenue South, 98104, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-397-8638
internet side: builtbyswift.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.59655, Longitude: -122.333684

kommentar 5

  • Kritesh Prakash

    Kritesh Prakash


    Swift industry Ltd is a private equity company based at Alberta that owns and operates portfolio of businesses operating in the Western Canada. The company provides managerial focus to its operating companies by strengthening skills and services for project management. Health and safety environment, industrial design, financial management, human resources, organization development and IT planning.

  • Kyla Trujillo

    Kyla Trujillo


    I want to love my swift bags but they're awkward for handling off the bike and they don't hold all that much stuff for how bulky they are (particularly the pannier backpack). I use my front bag and pannier everyday because they're what I have but am considering other options because, after almost a year of use, I just can't get used to the awkward transition. To top it off, each time I head in to their shop, I feel as if I'm bothering them and they don't care for me as a customer and fellow cyclist. I went in and asked about making some alterations to my bag to attempt to make it a little more user friendly and was told to email about my inquiry, which I did. I was promptly told that they weren't willing to alter my bag in any way and wished me luck. Why even direct me to email if you're going to shut me down? Overall, I'm disappointed with Swift Indistries. As a native Seattlelite, I love that they're a local company, they encourage bike adventures like camping and embracing the daily commute but they miss the mark when it comes to really caring for customers. The bags are very stylish but awkward if you plan to take them off the bike to go into the grocery store or something of that sort. Heaven forbid you might have to put the loaded bag back into the bike without a partner to hold your bike down. Lots of people love their Swift bags but they're just not cutting it for me.

  • en

    Jonathan Pearson


    Great bags for all seasons. They're practical and fun all at the same time.

  • Jessi Lucas

    Jessi Lucas


    Make sure you check their hours and enter from 1st Ave. The door is by Beast Mode and you will be going up some stairs. I'm impressed with what I've seen so far-fitting the bag to the bike and the quality of the product. I haven't brought one home yet though.

  • Thomas Wilson

    Thomas Wilson


    I've been traveling and commuting with my panniers for almost a year now and my experience with the bags has been great. They're not advertised as fully waterproof, yet, I've ridden 40 minutes in heavy rain without any water getting in my bags (without having to seal the seams). Recommend

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