SW Herb w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneSW Herb



🕗 godziny otwarcia

148, North Center Street, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-694-9931
strona internetowej: www.swherb.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4187116, Longitude: -111.8319438

komentarze 5

  • en

    david enriquez


    The herbs save my life Its a must for me, i highly recommend this place of business very professional in there knowledge of thete healing herbs and the human body , very impressed with there service

  • en

    Angela Difabio


    Very informative! The road to a healthy and happy life starts at their front door! Check it out, glad we did!

  • Brittany Lee

    Brittany Lee


    An absolutely amazing place. I'd like to take the various courses they offer, with amazing highly certified people. There is so much joy and love put into everything done and sold in this cute little building. I was surprised how fairly priced items were. I was honestly expecting it to be high price, but it's completely affordable! Thank you to everyone who contributes to the SW Herb shop, as I love going there, and always feel so welcome and informed.

  • Elvis Christ

    Elvis Christ


    SW Herb saved my life! Their No More Parasites Tincture and Daily Detox Tea are some of the best medicines I've ever used. They also referred me to a wonderful clinician Dr. Tye who helped further my revovery. I am forever grateful to the wonderful people at SW Herb.

  • en

    Eric Love


    The best place I've been to in AZ. Super friendly and extremely knowledgeable ladies. Get off pharmaceutical and big Corp remedies. Specific herbs and crystals from this store has helped me tremendously over pharmaceutical. One of my favorites from this store is the loose sage they sell that you can buy per ounce but I like to buy a lbs at a time for around $20ish and it last me a month and I use sage mutiple times a day.

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