S.V.R.H. Pharmacy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneS.V.R.H. Pharmacy



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161, Smith Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-596-1688
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6862772, Longitude: -73.9906374

komentarze 5

  • Matthew Murphy

    Matthew Murphy


    Been going here for 5 years now since I got home wounded on my last deployment. Sam always had my meds right on time and took whatever insurance I had . They are the best as far as I’m concerned. Rite aid is right across the street. The reason I found SVRH is because they always had to order my script. Forgot waiting 2-3 days when your recovering from a gunshot wound. Thx SVRH

  • rich mir murphy

    rich mir murphy


    They are the best pharmacy in Brooklyn as far as I'm concerned, I have been coming to this pharmacy since I was a little girl spanding over 30 years. The prices are great and in the event If the medicine is not in stock which is a rarely for them have it for you later that afternoon. Forget about your chain pharmacy and support family run business like SVRH. The staff is wonderful and friendly and the pharmacist Madula or Sam as some People call him will always price match or lowered the price. How often have you gone to rite aid or cvs for medicines and they tell you that they have to order it, forget them and go to SVRH they have a wide selection of medicines and mostly carry everything. Try them and tell them MURPHY sent you.

  • Ginger Davis

    Ginger Davis


    Great family own business with strong ties to the community.

  • Lydia Cruz

    Lydia Cruz


    A great pharmacy, with excellent customer care and a knowledgeable pharmacist like Mr. Mabdulla! Family friendly, indeed!

  • en

    Deborah Gilfillan


    I have been coming here since they opened. I was one of their first customers and still remain. They treat their customers like family with personal service. A caring and trust worthy Pharmacy. It will remain my family Pharmacy!!!!

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