SureStay Hotel by Best Western Chula Vista San Diego Bay w Chula Vista

Stany ZjednoczoneSureStay Hotel by Best Western Chula Vista San Diego Bay



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699, E Street, 91910, Chula Vista, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-585-1999
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.640917, Longitude: -117.0975193

komentarze 5

  • andrea M

    andrea M


    Great, simple hotel. Nothing fancy, but very clean and they provide a continental breakfast in the morning. Relatively quiet and great pricing.

  • Bradley Nakaji

    Bradley Nakaji


    Okay hotel for a single male. Not in the good part of town. I saw many homeless walking/camping out. The rooms are generally clean. Everything in the room is dated. The front desk was handling an irate customer when I walked in. The front desk employees were courteous and in control of the situation. I left with my room key before it was resolved. Kudos to them.

  • Gabbie Zazueta

    Gabbie Zazueta


    This is my place to go to when in San Diego!! CURTIS … your customer service is AMAZING!!! They have continental breakfast and is always fresh. Easy access to the interstate 5 and close to downtown Chula Vista. We’ve been coming here since July of last year and will continue to return

  • Adam Machette

    Adam Machette


    I stayed here found a cockroach 🪳 as well we booked it for 48 hours and really were thier for maybe 24 hours total. 2 hours after 3 o'clock check in Time we left they only refunded 40 dollars. To not tell us of the on going problem is just not OK. The place needs to be shut down. Very disappointing all our money should have been refunded. Sham on u best Western

  • David Madrid

    David Madrid


    Roaches in my room and it’s sold out trying to keep my clothes off the ground so I can check out. It even goes deeper than this. I couldn’t even get a room change. I had the assistant general manager, throw four dollars at me and tell me to go wash my clothes because of the roaches walked me outside and told me to get my stuff and leave. I can’t say, anything other than this was the most disappointing stay at any hotel I’ve ever stayed at and I stay at a lot of hotels every weekend I’m traveling. And this has to be a reflection on best western and not just SureStay even though it is a franchise hotel. Because who monitors the franchise and what does that say about the quality of best Western.?

najbliższy Kwatera

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