Supply Captain i Marlboro

Forenede StaterSupply Captain



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26 Western Avenue box 517, Marlboro, NY 12542, США
kontakter telefon: +1 845-236-1110
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.606299, Longitude: -73.972904

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cherity Hiltz


    They have bee super helpful with helping design and pick out product for my cheer program.

  • en

    George Miller


    Very nice people for what for what

  • Joann Reed

    Joann Reed


    Love the quality... timely fashion.. A+ will do business with them again.

  • Leira P

    Leira P


    Supply Captain Designs has been my go to for unique gifts. The have been incredibly easy to work with, super creative and their prices are great. The owners and staff are helpful, nice and patient. Their military surplus is quite impressive and they have taken the time to explain to me what products are best for my family. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    Frank Pacella


    It's a military surplus store. It's simple, it's cheap, and you get stuff that, if you treat it right, will last at least five years. The guy running it was polite and easy going. There was nothing he didn't know about his stock and answered every question. Bought a shoulder bag and module pockets for college at a $25 total. What more could you ask.

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