SuperPawn w North Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneSuperPawn



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6424, Losee Road, 89086, North Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-873-5823
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.2766677, Longitude: -115.1159695

komentarze 5

  • Ludi Magada

    Ludi Magada


    DO NOT GO TO THIS PLACE... THEY ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY!!!! I bought a watch for my husband for our anniversary and the manager that helped me, her name is Tammy.. said that I can return the item anytime for store credit if my husband don't like it. When I called today, she said they don't do store credit and she will buy back the product for less price... My husband didn't even use the f....n watch...

  • en

    Beau Caldwell


    Love going here, always a good experience. I've always gotten a good price for what I bring in. Nice staff.

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    Jeffrey Wilson


    I went into a Super Pawn over a year ago and said I would never go back. A few days ago, a friend of mine talked me into going to the one on Losee rd. WOW what a difference! The store looked so clean and organized. Everyone was so friendly. The employees were singing, laughing and having a good time. The manager, Tammie was terrific. She really made us feel like she cared that we were there. The employees were happy to help with all the questions that we had. This is a BIG change from the last time. I left the store with a totally different opinion of Super Pawn.

  • KK Gang

    KK Gang


    I have always been treated very well there! They had my business for 5 years now! Matter of fact. Going today!!! Good Work Guys!!!!

  • en

    David Hamblin


    I have been to Cash America stores in Utah, Washington, California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, etc. I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars. I have never, ever been treated with such disrespect before until visiting this location. When the sales rep treated me like scum I asked to speak to the manager. It's obvious the sales reps will treat people like dirt because the manager is the most offensive women I've ever done business with. She is a cancer. She needs to be fired. She's DUMB! Her teeth are horrid and overall very difficult to look at. Her physical appearance along with her unprofessional behavior and refusal to accept my money gives this place a 1 star feedback. If there was more I could do to ensure her removal, I'd do it. Be advised! I suggest you visit this store and ask for a reasonable discount. The rudeness will follow.

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