Superior Mobile Home Services LLC w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneSuperior Mobile Home Services LLC


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Phoenix, AZ 85015, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 602-433-9799
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5079722, Longitude: -112.1012912

komentarze 5

  • en

    conner hunsaker


  • LittleMiss Candice

    LittleMiss Candice


    PJ Sanchez was professional, courteous, and not pushy. I had my mobile re-leveled. They supplied pictures of problem areas and a bid for the fixes that could be done to ducting etc. A++.

  • Cloud Shade

    Cloud Shade


    Scheduling was easy for a duct cleaning and re-level. I thought everything was fine until I told my husband, when he got home, that they were young guys that did the job. He decided to check the work underneath. My husband, who used to do re-leveling, checked, and he wasn't happy at all. I had this done when he wasn't home, thinking it would be helpful but instead he was not happy since he said they cut corners. He explained exactly what wasn't done right but I don't remember the technical words. We were the last house of the day for them. Of course, I won't call them again.

  • Jill Boyles

    Jill Boyles


    These guys were AWESOME. This was the most painless service we have ever had - the scheduling was easy, they showed up on time, everyone was professional, the work was done quickly and efficiently and everyone was very friendly. I would absolutely hire this team again!

  • Mitch McC

    Mitch McC


    We moved into our manufactured home back in 1983. After a few years we needed to get it leveled so we did some research and called Superior. Everyone we asked said they were the people to call to get the job done right the first time at a very reasonable price. It is now 2016 and we are still calling them for leveling. This time when they came out Devin found things that needed repair. Considering we moved in here 33 years ago we did think we did pretty well as far as things lasting. We had them not only level the home but also replace the pads the stands rest on. They also came out and repaired and cleaned our broken ducting. I haven't seen the aluminum at the bottom of the duct in years. Everyone was very, very polite. Connor explained everything in detail and also took pictures underneath to help explain what they saw. He went over the issues they found and helped us prioritize the repairs. He was not pushy and did not insist or assume that we would have them do the repairs. But of course we did choose them. They proved again that after all these years they are still the people to call for manufactured / mobile home leveling and repairs.

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