Superior Care Auto Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSuperior Care Auto Center



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120, 19th Street, 11232, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-768-0622
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6646807, Longitude: -73.9964507

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alex Zav


    Overpriced, rude and nasty, no reason to be involved in fight to get some bad service.

  • en

    Frank Smith


    My car runs better at fourteen years old than it did at four thanks to their work. By far my best experiences with mechanics in my life.

  • Aya Ogawa

    Aya Ogawa


    Everything about cars stresses me out, but Superior Care Auto Center alleviated all that stress. They are thorough, efficient, and do excellent work. I particularly appreciate their customer service; the staff are patient and polite, and are happy to explain things in detail without being condescending. I wish my primary care physician took as good care of me as these folks take care of my car!!!

  • en

    Henry Bernstein


    The people at Superior evidence a professional and courteous attitude. They take the time to explain what they have done to my car and the reason for doing it. Prices seem to be within reason. I have started to take my new second car there, too.

  • en

    Thomas Williams


    I wanted these guys to be good. The reviews advise this was so – unfortunately not. I have experience with vehicle repair but am no longer in the industry. I didn’t disclose that information to them and this is what I experienced: Terrible workmanship, extremely dishonest, overcharging seemingly loyal customers. Although it’s all smiles when facing customers, these guys are very much the type mechanics that give the industry a bad name. The simple things seem very difficult for these guys. Stay clear is my advice. Extreme incompetence was displayed with regard to electrical work. These guys "discovered" an electrical fault with regard to tail light - News to me as all electrical was 100% before it hit their shop, but hey, in these situations you are forced to trust – alleged – professionals. The saying “got you by the balls” comes to mind. I was informed all possible testing had been performed to the wiring and they needed to replace an electronic control unit. As it turns out they had shorted (read: blew up) the first control unit, took a week to order the second unit, blew that one up also, then took another week to get a third unit. I was informed this was taking so long as “their guy” didn’t work Fridays – so, that affects an entire weeks work?! I think not. Only at this point did they perform the correct wiring diagnosis to find the electronic control unit was not the original issue. After giving these guys a decent chance and being jerked around so much I was forced to go elsewhere. Investigations after the “service” revealed the following: - Incorrect grade of oil used - low quality oil used, advised and charged for high quality oil - Incorrect type of oil filter - Vehicle is now missing several plastic clips pertaining to body and light fixtures - Broken one-way plastic clips - Crushed wiring within body - Upon initial inspection they had crushed some wiring during the first "check", creating a somewhat of a phantom problem - which instead of apologizing and rectifying, I was charged for their mistake. - Mark up cost of materials was disgusting - average of 40% - 30 (!) additional miles on the clock, 1 or 2 miles sure, but 30? What the hell. Clearly using my vehicle for their errands. Once again, although all evidence points to these guys being good, my experience proves otherwise and the advice is to stay clear. EDITED FOR RESPONSE ----------------------------------------------> To the good people of google: The reply is a great example of the deceptive nature these guys. Do not be fooled. My response to SCAC's dispute - Why would I lie about this matter? What do I have to gain? The guilt of deceiving people is on you, not me. I am merely trying to help the greater community. That's what a review service is all about.

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