Supercuts w Happy Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneSupercuts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

9610 Southeast 82nd Avenue, #A, Happy Valley, OR 97086, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 503-777-2255
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Latitude: 45.4533868, Longitude: -122.5785251

komentarze 5

  • Rebecca Jacobsen

    Rebecca Jacobsen


    My son (age 18) got a haircut. It cost $19 and he seems pleased with the results. Looks good.

  • Bigmatt 503

    Bigmatt 503


    Decent haircut. Price was high for the time it took. I'm gonna stick to the Korean lady down the street. No hard feelings

  • Valentin Uzunov

    Valentin Uzunov


    I get my hair cut here, and will continue to do so. Staff is variable, but always up to the job, friendly and conscientous in what they were doing. That said my haircut is as basic as it gets so my opinions isnt worth much. Hair cut like goes for about $20. Best thing is there are no appointments on day reservations yes, but it's the luck of the draw when you get there how long you wait. Mornings are best as far as I know

  • en

    Tonya White


    Came here showed the lady a picture if my kids own hair. Explained exactly what we wanted in detail. She didn't listen AT ALL. Cut it way to short and it looks nothing like the photos. Complained and she told me that it can't always turn out like the picture. I'm like Lady that's a picture of him. His hair can look exactly like that cause it's him! I can't believe I had to pay for this hack job.

  • en

    Diana Kendall


    UPDATE: I went to the manager Antonio and he did his best to fix my hair it is so messed up he could not fix it completely with out cutting my hair off and that is not happening - he gave me a voucher to come back to him next month to attempt to fix the damage after it grows out a little DO NOT LET NATALIA even TOUCH your hair!!!!!!!! I would like to change to NO STARS The more I see my hair the more pissed off I get...Went in to get a cut in same style I had and now my long hair is all crooked and messed up I do not get hair cuts often and when I decide to This Is What I Get!!!!! Does no one know how to cut hair any more?

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