Supercuts i Jersey City

Forenede StaterSupercuts



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701, New Jersey 440, 07304, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-435-6307
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.720734, Longitude: -74.095866

kommentar 5

  • Rigo Cruz

    Rigo Cruz


    The date was June 9 2018 my nephew was taken to go get a haircut and some lady cut it hair and it was a horrible job. No offense you shouldn't be cutting hair...

  • Riya Bandekar

    Riya Bandekar


    Very good experience. Great staff, haircut and price!

  • en

    Ana Gil


    Went to the supercuts in jersey city which is new and looked clean and nice. The stylists listen to your specifics and do a nice job. Had a good experience here and on top of everything there’s free parking. 😊

  • en

    Naty Alo


    The owner Mr. dash from India is very unprofessional. The bathroom is never clean which leads to dirty bathroom meaning poor staff who doesn't take care of their salon. My son had caught ringworm from the machine which i had to call many places to try and get situated it was horrible i couldnt believe it lesson learned. The manager is very rude and gives poor services and poor professionalism. Ive been to many supercuts but this location is just dirty and a horrible staff. I never write reviews but i had to on this hudson mall location. Be very careful the machineds that cut your hair are clean so you dont go through what i went through with ringworm. The staff is the worst ive ever seen including the money hungry owner who just worries about money and not your service.

  • en

    Panda Zak


    Staff is great Stylist is patient and great attitude Luv her They all r super friendly

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