Supercuts i Clifton

Forenede StaterSupercuts



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354, New Jersey 3, 07014, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-778-4691
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Latitude: 40.8298763, Longitude: -74.1366814

kommentar 5

  • Tejeshwar Hemantharaj

    Tejeshwar Hemantharaj


    The length of hair on my left side is longer than the right side. Now I look like I tried to experiment with my own hair.Total disaster. Not the place for men, unless you wanna look ugly. I’ll never come back here again.

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    Mark Larson


    Always have a great experience here. Been coming here for almost 2 years now. Definitely make an appointment as the waits can get long. Also make sure to have any hair product removed as they will give you a shampoo service and not tell you how much extra it is.

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    Michele Addice


    You probably wouldn't pick Supercuts as your first choice to get your hair done, but once you meet Simon you will change your mind completely. Simon has been cutting and coloring my hair for over a year now. I get compliments every single time I get my hair done. He's a master with color. He knows exactly what goes well with your complexion and face shape, and makes sure you walk out looking your best. I highly recommend Simon for any of your hair needs.

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    Sarah Aly mahrous


    Oh my God!! Simon is phenomenal. Best hair stylist ever. Personalizes everything and makes it an amazing experience.

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    Biljana Simakoska


    This is one of the best places I have ever been to for my hair. Simon is such an amazing hair colorist. I couldn’t get anyone to make my hair go back to my natural since I had dyed it black. After a year of trying different hairstylists Simon was the only one that made it happen. I love going to the store because he is so friendly and professional. The store always looks very clean and the atmosphere is so much fun. Simon deserves ten stars!!!

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