Super Fast Movers w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSuper Fast Movers



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65, West 96th Street, 10025, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-450-7350
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7929386, Longitude: -73.9669858

komentarze 5

  • en

    Matthew L


    Greg and his team were very professional, did the job on time and at a very good rate. They moved our entire 2 bedroom condo to our new home quickly and efficiently. I highly recommend using Super Fast Movers from Upper West Side!

  • Alison R

    Alison R


    I had a great experience with Super Fast Movers of New York City. The guys were fantastic - extremely helpful and personable. I did make the mistake of thinking I could get all my packing done on my own...but after a few wasted hours, I gave up and called in the experts. I am SO glad I did! The guys at Super Fast Movers packed me up (way) faster than I could have imagined, making the transition from my old home to my new one, smooth and worry free. Would definitely recommend and I will absolutely use this company again for my next move. :)

  • Angelica Schwartz

    Angelica Schwartz


    These guys were awesome! I was freaking out about moving because I have had some bad experiences with two men and truck movers in the past, but they really blew away my expectations. They were super friendly and professional. I had my doubts when three skinny guys arrived at my door, but they moved my stuff like it was nothing (and I own some very heavy side tables and other awkwardly shaped furniture). I will never again use any other moving company in New York City!

  • Frank Rosenberg

    Frank Rosenberg


    My second time using their moving services and my second great experience. They're quick, efficient and friendly, handled my many, many flights of stairs without taking forever. Super Fast Movers are absolutely my go to for movers.

  • en

    Adriana Navarro


    Great job! It's been a few months since they moved me, but I really liked these guys. Super Fast Movers were on time, professional, and knowledgeable movers and went out of the way to make sure a very sad move (I was crying the whole time) was as smooth as possible. My only complaint is that they kept calling me "miss." Make a gal feel old!

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