Super 8 by Wyndham Denver Stapleton i Denver

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Forenede StaterSuper 8 by Wyndham Denver Stapleton



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7201, East 36th Avenue, 80207, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 303-393-7666
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.7681439, Longitude: -104.9049856

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ashton Smith


    This hotel was pretty mediocre. We requested a non-smoking room but the hallway and inside of our room smelled very strongly of cigarette smoke. Anywhere that was once painted white was a brownish tint from not being cleaned properly, maybe needs a fresh coat. Some of the drawers were broken on the bed side table and dresser as well. The bed was okay as far as comfort goes. The only highlight was the jacuzzi in our suite. It was very large so my husband and I fit nice and comfortably, it worked well, and was very clean.

  • Michelle Toomey

    Michelle Toomey


    They obviously had an artist take the pictures because they made the place look way better than real life. Far from clean, shabby decor and run down, I won't be staying here again. I will say that the desk clerk was friendly and efficient.

  • Ryan XO

    Ryan XO


    Gross outdated dark dingy rooms! They gave me bedbugs!! And they KNEW they had them. When I called the front desk & reported bites all over my body and ob signs on the mattress I was ready for a fight. They just said they were sorry and refunded my $80. I asked one of the long term guests about it and he said they knew. They gave him a bottle of bug spray for his room!. The staff was nice tho

  • en

    barb mays


    Oh my do not go here! Filthy rooms and whoever said this place is for prostitutes and drugs is 100% correct. They left out the pimps. One guy always seemed to be out when we were and would slowly walk around our vehicle(too afraid to stand outside). He'd walk back and forth in front of us then behind and kept watching us the whole time. Ugh, so relieved to be out of there. You have your warning, do not go

  • Kara K

    Kara K


    Staff was friendly enough. The key cards we were initially given did not work. The AC was not working for the entirety of our stay, so we had to open the window; we would have been very uncomfortable had we not brought our fan with us. The bed sheets were clearly not washed (stains, tape on the blanket, odd odor). One of our beds was so worn down that sleeping on it causes one to sink down. The shower water is affected by the neighbor's actions (toilet flushing, showering, running water). Mini fridge does not work. Overall, the room is not kept well: horribly stained and dirty carpet, there's a hole punched through the bathroom door that was "patched up", light bulbs were dead, along with all that had been previously mentioned. The worst issue we had was when the fire alarms rang two days in a row. Apparently a fire sprinkler was leaking in the pipes somewhere, but nothing was done to fix it! I shared pictures that show off the bathroom door, some lights in the room (one of which displays what looks to be blood spatter), and our room window (which was wide open with the fan close by to let cool air inside, since the AC was useless). Carpet stains are also visible in the window picture.

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