Sunset Luxury Limousines w Westminster

Stany ZjednoczoneSunset Luxury Limousines



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7268, Osceola Street, 80030, Westminster, Adams County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-426-9005
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.828432, Longitude: -105.038572

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rich Blankinship


    Thank you Sunset Limousine, looking forward to another wonderful trip to the Rockies Game. Our Longmont Baseball Team is excited to go! Highly recommended, they do a great job. Clean, fun and our driver last year was great with our kids! Rich and Jack

  • en

    denver massages


    Be warned!! The website wont tell you that your deposit and payment are totally non-refundable, even if its still a week from when you want the car. I called back because our group had half the people cancel on us, a week before a red rocks show. Sunset would not work with me at all, would not allow me to cancel the car, and basically told me thats too bad. Other services offer similar cars and have a cancellation policy that is much more reasonable (24 hr notice is standard). So now I am forced into using their vehicle, even though I should have a week to find a better fit. Sucks.

  • en

    William Finley - PHE Faculty


    Last Spring we use Sunset to take our 28 Student Leadership Students for a ride around Thornton. Darren made the experience very enjoyable by playing music for the kids and the adult chaperones. The limo bus was very clean, and the students really enjoyed the ride. We stopped for frozen yogurt, and really had a great time. I would recommend Sunset to anyone who needs to entertain a group of people.

  • Trenton Stein

    Trenton Stein


    Excellent customer service! Super reasonable prices compared to other companies. Darren was great help, professional and easy to talk to on the phone. I set up a limo ride from Denver into the mountains as well as a trip home and we were all impressed with how punctual, kind and competent our driver Denise was! We had a blast, and my boyfriend's birthday surprise went off without a hitch! If I ever need a limo service again (and hopefully I will) Sunset Luxury Limousine will definitely be my choice! Thank you guys! - Bobbie Jo

  • Robert Paek

    Robert Paek


    Overall super satisfied with my experience. I’ve used many party bus services and never have my group and I been so satisfied with our ride. Our bus driver was Adan and was very compliant, easy going, and personable. He never lost his cool and made the ride go smoothly. He showed up on time and showed me how to properly use all of the functions the bus had to offer. Adan drove very smoothly the whole way. The actual bus was very nice: it was large, great surround sound speakers, and air conditioned. Thanks Adan!

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