Sunrise Toyota North en Middle Island

Estados UnidosSunrise Toyota North



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910, Middle Country Road, 11953, Middle Island, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-924-8100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8837986, Longitude: -72.9382372

comentarios 5

  • en

    Alam Zahan


    Love the new Toyota Highlander 2018 that I purchased at Sunrise Toyota North. I was very pleased with the way that i was treated and they staff was wonderful.. The sales person Mansa Murray was very helpful and informative with all the new features.. I strongly suggest going to see them!!!

  • jarrett gilbert

    jarrett gilbert


    What can I say about the BEYOND helpful staff here. I had to get a second car due to an accident and not only were they concerned about my new car purchase but my well being first. Prior to any purchase anyone that I spoke to asked if I was ok, listened to what happened and wanted to make it known that me being OK was more important than anything else. If you want to feel at home while buying a car this is the location to come to first and last. The honesty and desire to get me in a safe and affordable vehicle yet still get what I wanted was the best experience ever.

  • en

    Amy Lu


    Sunrise Toyota North is the best dealer and Qing is the best salesperson I ever met in my car purchasing experience of the l last 15 years. They are friendly, knowledgeable , honest, and caring about customer. The prep guy even detailed my car twice because I rescheduled my delivery date. They also offer life time NY state inspection free and exterior car wash free. I will never go to another dealer for a car anymore!

  • Rick Lombardo

    Rick Lombardo


    Excellent dealership. Few minor disappointments amongst many positives. Management and ownership of the dealership have changed hands repeatedly but overall we have been very well served, having bought or leased 4 vehicles there. The service center thus far has been reasonable and honest, a rarity these days.

  • en

    Mike Scott


    A good friend recommended I go to Sunrise Toyota North and see Pat and Angel as I was looking to buy a new Rav4. I could not have asked for a better experience. Both Angel and Pat were friendly and really helpful. The entire process of shopping, test drive, trade-in, and financing went smooth and efficiently. I will recommend them to anyone looking for a new car. Awesome!

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