Sunrise Bagels and Cafe w Wyckoff

Stany ZjednoczoneSunrise Bagels and Cafe



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581, Goffle Road, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-493-9090
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.972232, Longitude: -74.148926

komentarze 5

  • en

    Hanseller Thadithil


    I was passing by .stop for something quick . The service was outstanding. Seems like the owner on the counter. Very friendly with all the customers.. the staff behind the counter moving fast .. very friendly place . Keep up the great service.

  • Anthony Figueroa

    Anthony Figueroa


    This is my go to place for breakfast. Food is great. Owners are friendly. Service is quick and you can even text in your order for quick pick-up.

  • Kimberly E. Wolfe

    Kimberly E. Wolfe


    Really good bagels and amazing service. Sam the owner is so friendly and fun for the kids. I also love their iced coffee

  • Danny Rowland

    Danny Rowland


    One of the great bagel places. You have doughy places and you have fluffy places, but Sunrise sits perfectly in the middle. They are always fast which is important, but they are also professional and friendly as well. They have a really big menu and a great selection of bagels and spreads. They have enough tables and chairs for plenty of people to sit and eat there. The place is so bright and cheerful with windows along 2 whole walls and great lighting inside. It shows you how clean it is compared to some other dark shops. They also cater and have amazing seasonal and holiday bagels and treats.

  • John DeWitt

    John DeWitt


    The bagels are fresh and tasty... And they have a nice selection of cream cheese spreads. The breakfast sandwiches are very good, especially the Hobo. The lunch wraps and sandwiches are very good. The staff is attentive and quick... This is a great place to get a quick bite to eat. ALSO, you can text in your order and it is ready when you arrive.

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