Sunrise Autoland w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSunrise Autoland



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91-35, 183rd Street, 11423, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-526-2000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.708957, Longitude: -73.777427

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adeola K


    I didn’t get the dream car, but I got the right one for me, and Chloe made it possible. I was a fist time buyer and she made this process as smooth & to the point. She educates you from her dealer and personal buying experience and wants the best for her customers. I told her if the car I wanted doesn’t work out, I would stick with Sunrise till I get it caused she earned my trust. This was a humbling experience & I have Chloe & Sunrise Autoland to thank for it.

  • fabrizio



    Chloe is awesome. I hate waiting and I think she knew that about me and some how she made it happen within 2 hours. I’m a happy customer and I would recommend this place. I honestly don’t ever write reviews but this place def deserves it.

  • Jerome McClough

    Jerome McClough


    Chloe is the absolute best... Went in and was approved and out within 2 hours in a 2014 Benz, best experience I had purchasing a car thus far. I would recommend this place to anyone unsure or afraid of the outcome, they really work with you. Sid the financial manager is very upfront and direct and works with your budget. Wish I could rate higher than 5 stars!!!

  • Jacob Aquilus

    Jacob Aquilus


    This is the best place to buy a car. They have to best prices and will work hard to get you the car you need. Chloe is the best. She helped me get a nice car when I didn’t have much hope for getting a car. I got the Toyota Venza from there and the car is like new and fully loaded. I love the car very much. Their cars are all is a great condition. I liked that place a lot. If you go there ask for Chloe she’ll help you get any car you want you won’t be disappointed. I would definitely recommend this place for a friend or family.

  • en

    Jason Young


    Chole is the best! Went in with a scenario and she made it happen. Pleasant, professional, efficient and awesome service. No hustling just straight fantastic. I've bought 10 cars and this was by far the smoothest transaction. If you pass them up, you passed on your chance to leave happy. I'll be back when it's my next time to buy another car

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