Sun Bakery & Deli i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSun Bakery & Deli



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658, South Jackson Street, 98104, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-622-9288
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Latitude: 47.5994857, Longitude: -122.3246389

kommentar 5

  • en

    Julianne Kobelin


    Love this bakery! Freindly staff, wonderful pork buns. Worth the drive from Bellevue.

  • en

    Ulisses K


    Love the food love the prices

  • Kelli Kobelin

    Kelli Kobelin


    I first came here five years ago when I lived several hours away. Now that I live in the area, I have rediscovered it and still love it. Best bbg pork buns I have ever had, hands down. I love this place and love that I can get my food and then its about a block away from Oasis bubble tea. Great place and friendly people.

  • Brainpower Hub

    Brainpower Hub


    Working a local construction job, and this is my favorite place for lunch in Chinatown. The eclairs are good, and so is the cheesebread. All the soups are delicious, and customer service is good.

  • Alexander Froehlich

    Alexander Froehlich


    Wonderful staff, good sammies and great prices. Cant go wrong.

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