Summer Creek Dentistry w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneSummer Creek Dentistry



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7841, Summer Creek Drive, 76123, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-292-7488
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6295405, Longitude: -97.4061345

komentarze 5

  • Douglas Hume

    Douglas Hume


    Terrific service. Friendly & knowledgeable staff.

  • Wendolyn Washington

    Wendolyn Washington


    Even though the Dr. King was very friendly the front desk staff did not inform me that my husband and I insurance was OON (out of network). I've never been to a Dr office where that information wasn't provided upfront. Instead they gave me ridiculously high priced numbers for our dental needs. For the future patients one of the tells if your insurance is OON they will ask to put a credit card on file if they request this from you then know you need to be seen elsewhere. Besides that the place was very clean and neat but because I wasn't provided all the information I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE TO ANYONE!!!!!! (Sorry Dr.King I really enjoyed you and your Dental Hygienist but your front staff needs a little work) Edit-Dr.Coleman did call me the same day I wrote this post to explain the billing process as best as she could she’s the dr and her staff should be responsible for that. Long story short I am very appreciative that she sis reach out to me directly but I still wasn’t happy with Pam when I called to schedule an appointment instead of her informing me that I was out of net she quoted me a ridiculous amoun. Which lead me to call my insurance and then I was informed about my insurance being out or network.

  • en

    Alvin Mowry


    I told them of my problem and was scheduled in as quickly as I could fit into my schedule. Dr. Coleman saved a tooth that I thought would have to end in a replacement. She and the whole staff were very professional and efficient. I was in and out in good time and will gladly return to get other work done in the future.

  • Art by J. Taylor

    Art by J. Taylor


    Everyone is very professional!! The staff is great with children and they make you feel comfortable.

  • en

    Bryan C


    I just had my first appt at this office last week and I was very pleased with my exam and cleaning. The staff is friendly and my cleaning was comfortable but thorough. I will certainly be going back in the future.

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