Sultan Auto Repair i Ridge

Forenede StaterSultan Auto Repair



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920, Middle Country Road, 11961, Ridge, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-924-3030
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Latitude: 40.899261, Longitude: -72.871648

kommentar 5

  • fay fay

    fay fay


    In 2015, a dealer asked $3000 to fix my exhaust system and I paid $50 at Sultan to get the job done. It's been three years and the car still runs well. Thank you, Sultan! I have been a customer at Sultan for quite some years. Mahmut and Suleyman (the two that customers normally deal with and owners of the auto shop, I assume) have been so honest and kind and professional to me, to my friends and my colleagues. If they can do the job, it will be done in time (and I bet you won't find a better price). If they cannot do the job, you will be informed directly with suggestions. I never had or even heard any complains about their work. During all these years, Sultan helped me to fixed numerous problems of my old old car, almost every part except the engine and the transmission system. In addition, I just found a high ranking of Sultan placed a month ago that surprises me because it's from an old friend who moved to a location much closer to the city a few years ago. A new ranking of five stars means that person still sometimes comes back for Sultan's quality service.

  • Philip



    Great work for a low price and they always have it done quickly.

  • en

    Keith Colantropo


    Very dishonest people. I went there once for an estimate and the owner said 500.00. Then I went back a few weeks later for another estimate based on only doing half of the door instead of the entire door. The same guy said 800.00. When I told him I am going to report him on Google he said "good". These people are crooks. Stay away.

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    John Klein


    They did a great job on my car. She runs like she is new. They get the job done right. A very busy place.

  • en

    Talia Lynn


    The staff are rude and disrespectful foreigners. They were rude from the phone call to the last transaction. On 3/16/18 I had a 5 p.m. appointment nobody acknowledged me until 5:15pm after waiting since 4:50pm in a empty waitingroom with a over flowing garbage can that smelled awful by the water cooler (gross). When they did knowledge me after walking pass me for 20 min i was asked what do you want. I asked how long the NYSI would take and was told the mechanic was finished now on somebody else's car and then he would do my inspection. My car wasn't pulled into the shop until 5:51 p.m. Before giving the owner the keys to my car i informed him that I had to remove my battery to fix my horn issue. The machanic did not say it would be a problem. However it was a problem, they failed my car becuase the drive cycle was not set. When the mechanic/owner realized that he had lied to me about it not being a problem he became indignant and started yelling at me. When I became upset by this the owner told the caucasian garage porter to call the police on me becuas no women will talk to him like that and didn't care what I said I would pay the $37 today, a additional $27 when my drive cycle sets (wouldnt tell me what that was had to call a machanic friend to ask) and I was only getting a 10-day sticker. I have never had such a disgusting experience with an auto shop before in my 10 years of having cars. I would recommend that no one use the shop unless they want a headache, aggravation, to be lied to, over charged and to be threaten when you are not in the wrong. Go to an actual franchise that has regulations for owners and employees not rinky-dink shops owned by whoever.

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